[meteorite-list] RE: SIPI Students to Help ID Meteorites/Bob's Pluto concerns
From: Rhett Bourland <rbourlan_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 09:37:36 2004 Message-ID: <IOEBKAHMGFBDJMOFGDFNKEFCCDAA.rbourlan_at_evansville.net> Just saw this story. Looks as if the Pluto mission may not be dead after all. http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/space/12/20/pluto.mission/index.html Rhett Bourland www.evansville.net/~rbourlan -----Original Message----- From: meteorite-list-admin_at_meteoritecentral.com [mailto:meteorite-list-admin_at_meteoritecentral.com]On Behalf Of Verish, Robert S Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 2:25 PM To: Baalke, Ronald C Cc: 'meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com' Subject: [meteorite-list] RE: SIPI Students to Help ID Meteorites Hello Ron, At first blush this seemed to be great news, but now I'm starting to see some down sides to this story. I would sure like to get more information about this before I firm up my opinion, because it has raised a number questions for me. Before I go any farther, I must admit that it is no secret that I have an agenda about NASA not having a "meteorite recovery" program (outside of Antarctica). During the next decade we're going to spend a billion dollars to bring back to Earth a "pristine" Mars rock, but not one dollar will be spent in an attempt to find those Mars rocks that are already here sitting out in the deserts as meteorites. Add this additional $402,000 grant to that $1billion total and we still don't have a "field" recovery program (outside of Antarctica). Now that I've got that off of my chest, let's get back to those questions about this grant: Why does the grant money, earmarked to train students to identify meteorites, have to come from NASA's budget? Why does it take $402,000 to do this? Why doesn't NASA have a more comprehensive, nation-wide plan to enlist the help of students? Is there an equal opportunity for the other institutions and museums that receive "meteorites for identification" to obtain a grant to enlist local students in this effort? (UCLA has an equal number of "meteorites" sent to them, and there is a community college in Watts that they can enlist the help of those students.) Is this grant going to cause envy among the other institutions and museums? After a SIPI student identifies a submitted rock as being a meteorite, is there any portion of the grant budgeted for follow-up field work or recovery efforts? How far away is SIPI from UNM? If I were to send my rock for identification to UNM, would it then be forward to SIPI and have to "pass" the scrutiny of the students before I can get an "expert" at UNM to look at my specimen? (Having been the victim of a false-negative by a well-respected expert, this scenario of deferred responsibility and delayed identification doesn't appeal to me.) I don't expect you, Ron, to have an answer for all these questions, but if you should come across any more information on this subject, I would sure appreciate sharing it. I hope my first question doesn't make me sound stingy, but in the wake of the termination of the Pluto Express due to projected cost overruns and the commitments to the numerous Mars programs here at JPL, these kinds of questions will get asked. Closer to home, Ron, the Deep Space Network has been levied with a new task to quickly build another network of Beam Waveguide Antennas. This is going to cause a big bump in the budget. Expect more scrutiny. Also, Ron, you know that I've long been a booster of NASA's Educational Outreach programs. I don't need to tell you about my involvement with the conversion of Deep Space Station 12 to the Telescopes in Education Program. I don't want to take away from NASA's involvement in this direction. I would just like to see some expenditure of funds towards a more comprehensive "meteorite recovery plan" that would bring together NASA, the Department of the Interior, the Smithsonian Institution, and all the other involved institutions and museums. Oh yeah, Ron. Hope you have a Happy Holiday! Bob V. -----Original Message----- From: Ron Baalke [mailto:baalke_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 10:05 AM To: robert.verish_at_jpl.nasa.gov Subject: SIPI Students to Help ID Meteorites http://www.abqjournal.com/scitech/203865news12-19-00.htm SIPI Students to Help ID Meteorites By John Fleck Albuquerque Journal December 19, 2000 With the help of some money from NASA, University of New Mexico scientists plan to enlist students at Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute in the search for meteorites. UNM's Institute of Meteoritics gets some 200 rocks a year from members of the public who bring them in for analysis, thinking they might be meteorites, according to institute scientist Horton Newsom. Most aren't, but the process of telling the good from the bad will offer SIPI students a lesson in geology and the chance to help make the occasional rare find, Newsom said. Thanks to a $402,000 grant from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, UNM and SIPI will set up a Meteorite Identification Laboratory next year at SIPI's Albuquerque campus. The students will learn how to help Newsom and his colleagues with the endless job of sorting through the rocks brought in by the public, hunting for real meteorites. Sometimes people bring in pieces of lava thinking they are a meteorite - a rock that has fallen from space. Sometimes they are slag from old mines, or "iron mill balls" of metal used in cement plant crushers. In about 80 percent of the cases, a quick look tells the scientists all they need to rule out the possibility that the rock is a meteorite. The rest take more careful study, sometimes using powerful electron microscopes at UNM. The NASA money will help SIPI students learn how to judge whether a rock might be a meteorite, said Cathy Abeita, director of special programs at SIPI. And there is a chance that one of the rocks they study will turn out to have come from space. "We do find one or two a year," Newsom said. _______________________________________________ Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Wed 20 Dec 2000 11:04:20 PM PST |
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