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- To: MissionControl@email.msn.com
- Subject: Re: Fw: Meteorite "worth"
- From: Sharkkb8@aol.com
- Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 19:20:26 EDT
- Full-name: Sharkk b8
- Reply-To: Sharkkb8@aol.com
<< It must be our responsibility in the meteorite community to insure that prices are not out of control otherwise control will be mandated upon us in the form of government regulations as in similar fields. >> I don't think the government would have the remotest amount of interest in HOW HIGH meteorite prices are. If there could ever be a fed-gov't-worry, I suspect it would be that the goovernment, at the behest/encouragement of scientists, would try to regulate meteorites due to their "scientific blah blah blah", but I sincerely doubt that the government would get involved solely because they think prices are too high. They've got bigger fish to fry.
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