[meteorite-list] 2021 Tucson show!

From: Michael Gilmer <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2020 22:46:23 -0400
Message-ID: <CAKBPJW8Pt+wasPJoRUSUDbw26f7spyfcMAciyJroXsesW0acSg_at_mail.gmail.com>

Wow. Crazy, that they are going to host a big public event during a
pandemic. I mean, we all need the distraction, but I just wouldn't
feel safe in close proximity with all of those travelers around. And I
expect we'll see fewer vendors this year as foreign dealers avoid the
US because we are a hotspot and the epicenter of the pandemic.

Be careful out there folks and hopefully there is a vaccine available
by the time the show starts.

As per usual, I will be attending from afar.

Best regards and stay safe,


On 9/20/20, Edwin Thompson via Meteorite-list
<meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> wrote:
> Hello Rock Nuts,
> I spoke with Stanley Chun, the manager of the Hotel Tucson City Center last
> week. He was very enthusiastic about the coming show. He said there was a
> meeting with the city of Tucson about the show and he was told that the city
> will be allowing the show. He said there will be the necessary protocols and
> the hotel will provide hand cleaner and masks. Stanley was very excited to
> share that the hotel parking lot has been torn up and they have replaced
> the entire parking lot and added even more surface where possible. There
> will be no tents on the asphalt parking lots and this will add 150
> additional parking spaces. The hotel ownership continues to invest in making
> Hotel Tucson a premier experience. According to Stanley, there are a few
> show spaces still available. Patrick, Phil, and I will be set up and
> showcasing in our new suite #112, the same building but the first room
> facing the courtyard right by the entrance to the food tent.
> Wishing everyone good health and safety.
> E.T.
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Received on Sun 20 Sep 2020 10:46:23 PM PDT

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