[meteorite-list] [IMCA List] Dave Gheesling

From: MSG - METEORITES <msgmeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2020 09:47:21 +0000
Message-ID: <CAKEL=tAKWL6m7sf8eyrhks6eNy5fVsB6uz5e5A-q7OjVQxQHtg_at_mail.gmail.com>


Just devastated to wake up this morning and hear this sad sad news. Dave
was an inspiration to many, me included. He was so kind and generous and
was a huge figurehead for the meteorite community. If he talked, we
listened and with good reason. He often uttered the deepest and wisest of
words in such a humble manner. He will be missed by us all.

My thoughts are with Maddie, Kasia and all his family.


Martin Goff
International Meteorite Collectors Association (IMCA) member #3387

Sent from my mobile phone

On Thu, 12 Nov 2020, 07:06 Sean T. Murray via IMCA, <imca at mail.imca.co>

> Folks,
> It?s with a heavy heart that I write to the meteorite community this
> evening.
> Dave Gheesling passed away yesterday (11/11), and we?re all trying to
> process the sudden loss. He was my best friend. I don?t have the words to
> express how much he meant to me, how much he influenced my life, and how
> blessed I was to have known the man.
> Dave?s love of family & friends, his positivity, his generosity and his
> enthusiasm for life are the example he has left for us all. Dave has been
> an important part of our community, and his contributions will live on as
> his legacy for many decades to come.
> I apologize for the abruptness of an email communication, but we were only
> able to contact a few people this evening, given the hour. Please, if you
> need anything, contact me directly so that we can give Dave?s family the
> time they need to prepare for the service. I will post more details as
> they are available.
> Yours,
> Sean Murray
> 678-367-7095 (cell)
> --------------------------------------
> ?Our respective fates here on planet Earth are all inevitable. Sooner or
> later - and whether we like it or not - each of us will eventually assume
> room temperature. Seemingly against all odds, we are born, we experience a
> few decades on the big ball (if we're lucky), then we die. Our atoms are
> once again stirred back into the terrestrial soup, and that's about all she
> wrote.?
> -- Dave Gheesling, August 2009
> http://www.fallingrocks.com/FRarticle-082009.htm
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