[meteorite-list] Why carbonaceous chondrites? (A "thank you" to Mr. Horejsi)
From: Frank Cressy <fcressy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2019 15:49:08 +0000 (UTC) Message-ID: <73385765.3057295.1552232948533_at_mail.yahoo.com> Hello Michael, Martin does have a great way of describing meteorites.? My favorite was his way of describing the Cumberland Falls aubrite comparing an individual stone to a bread loaf, writing that many were sliced up like loaves of bread, resembling not "the rectangular blocks we Americans call bread, but the wonderful cushions that flow from European bakeries." He continued the metaphor, writing that "the oven of the Earth's atmosphere baked the crust on the enstatite-rich achondrite to golden brown perfection" that covered a brecciated, snowy-white interior filled with exotic herbs of chondritic inclusions and metal flake. ? His description certainly makes your mouth water.? Maybe you'll soon obtain a slice of your own cosmic bread! Cheers, Frank On ?Sunday?, ?March? ?10?, ?2019? ?06?:?54?:?08? ?AM? ?PDT, Michael Doran via Meteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> wrote: My friends often ask me "What got you interested in meteorites?"? I honestly don't have a good answer to that question.? I do, however, know precisely when and how I was inspired to focus on carbonaceous chondrites. As a newbie to the hobby (cough, obsession), I was reading through back issues of Meteorite Times Magazine when inspiration struck.? In a June 2011 article about Nogoya, a CM2, Martin Horejsi wrote: ? ?"Gazing into a polished face of Nogoya is like staring into space ? ?through a telescope. Everywhere you look there are interesting ? ?features. Little galaxies, nebulas, constellations, planets, suns ? ?and moons orbit the stone."? Up until that point, I'd considered CCs to be rather drab cousins to the bejeweled pallasites, sculptural irons, and multi-chondrule'd type 3 OCs. However as I looked at the accompanying photo in the article, I thought by gosh, he's absolutely right. How perfect is it that a window into the black interior of a CM2 meteorite can also be a window back out to the universe where it originated -- if only you have the imagination to see it. You may have to look a tiny bit deeper to see the beauty, but it's absolutely there. Anyway, that's what first hooked me on carbonaceous chondrites.? Now I have my own CM2 specimen to gaze at in wonder.? So, thank you, Mr. Horejsi! -- Michael [Resent to list after conversion to plain-text - I keep forgetting!] Michael Doran Fort Worth, TX ______________________________________________ Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/meteoritecentral and the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com https://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Sun 10 Mar 2019 11:49:08 AM PDT |
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