[meteorite-list] Ensisheim!
From: Graham Ensor <graham.ensor_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 8 May 2018 08:43:23 +0100 Message-ID: <CAJkn+kYNnVKZgnunakjqmSDcJtOfBozUaCDnYQ4Cjpv9VGniRA_at_mail.gmail.com> Thanks for the info Anne...also looking forward to seeing everyone again and all the goodies...I may have a few meteorite etchings from the Seymchan Stephen Hawking edition for folks to see. Graham On Mon, May 7, 2018 at 10:52 PM, Anne Black via Meteorite-list < meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> wrote: > Thank you to all of you who responded to Zelimir and me. > And who are planning on coming to Ensisheim. > > But there is one problem you really need to be aware of: the French > trains on still on strike! > To make it more complicated they work 3 days, are off 2 days, back at work > 3 days, off 2 days..... and repeat until the very end of June, at least. > And I am told by family and friends in France that even on their working > days, the whole system is quite chaotic, to put it mildly. So you might > want to keep that in mind, and start looking for Plan B. > I know I am!!! > > And here is a link to the calendar of those striking days: > https://www.lci.fr/societe/calendrier-sncf-greve- > reconductible-avril-mai-juin-2018-planning-dates- > previsions-trafic-tgv-ter-rer-transiliens-trafic-ponts-de- > mai-lundi-7-mai-28-juin-2081815.html > > Good luck!!! > > Anne Black > IMPACTIKA.com > impactika at aol.com > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Greg Hupe <gmhupe at centurylink.net> > To: Anne Black <impactika at aol.com>; meteorite-list <meteorite-list_at_ > meteoritecentral.com> > Sent: Mon, May 7, 2018 9:30 am > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ensisheim! > > Thank you for forwarding the info for Zelimir, Anne. I look forward to > setting up my table once again, never know what I'll bring this years. ;-) > I > think this may be my 10th year selling at the Ensisheim Show! > > I look forward to seeing everyone there, always a family of friends > dealing > in meteorites and enjoying French cuisine and spirits. > > See you all soon! > > Best Regards, > Greg > > ==================== > Greg Hupe > The Hupe Collection > gmhupe at centurylink.net > www.NaturesVault.net (Online Catalog & Reference Site) > www.LunarRock.com (Online Planetary Meteorite Site) > NaturesVault (Facebook, Pinterest & eBay) > http://www.facebook.com/NaturesVault > http://pinterest.com/NaturesVault > IMCA 3163 > ==================== > Click here for my current eBay auctions: > http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZnaturesvault > > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Anne Black via Meteorite-list > Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2018 3:35 PM > To: meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > Subject: [meteorite-list] Ensisheim! > > Hello all List members > > The Ensisheim Show is barely 6 weeks away, and here is everything you need > to know about it directly from the organizer, Zelimir Gabelica. > Please email him very soon if you have questions. Or you can email me and > I > will try to answer them. > ----------------------------------------------------------------- > 19th ?ENSISHEIM METEORITE 2018? Show news for dealers (May 02, 2018) > > Dear meteorite friends, > > As already announced earlier this year, the 19th meteorite show is > exceptionally and provisionally moved to another nearby building, due to > important work being done in the Palais de la Regence where an elevator is > being installed. This works will not be finished until early in 2019. > This clearly supposes that next year, the Show will by all means take > place > again in the unavoidable Palais de la Regence Palace to celebrate in a > worthwhile manner the 20th anniversary of the Show. > > Unfortunately, the genuine Ensisheim meteorite, normally in the Regency > museum, will not be visible this year, but a life-size plaster cast will > be > displayed in the Gymnasium hall. > > The address of the provisional show hall is: > > Gymnase Communal, 20, Rue des Tourterelles, F-68190 ENSISHEIM. > > The new ?Sports Complex? is located in the middle of a large park, about > 250 > m (? as the crow flies?) from the Palais de la Regence. > > The map (see attachment) is showing the Gymnasium location in respect to > the > Palais de le Regence. Just follow the arrows if you are walking or driving. > The previously announced itinerary through the Rue de Colmar is also > correct > but not advised because of street works. > > The 2 main buildings (the Gymnasium and the Elisatia halls) as well as the > parking places will be clearly signposted. > > The ?Gymnase Communal? consists in a large 40 x 20 m sports hall where all > the tables are aligned along the walls and also in two double rows > surrounding the middle ?Consignment Room? including a small bookshop table. > Something resembling the Munich show layout. > > All tables (still 160 x 80 cm) are equivalent but barely lit by sunlight > through skylights so additional lights of your own are strongly > recommended. > Please bear in mind that only LED bulbs are acceptable, with a maximum > power > of 100 watt per table. Other bulbs are henceforth prohibited. > > I will try to arrange the layout of the tables as it was in the main > Regency > room, respecting as much as possible the presence of the usual neighbors > in > each case. > The new hall is large enough to accommodate all the 2017 participants and > about another dozen of possible newcomers. > > It has always been our policy to give to all past dealers priority when it > came to reserving the table(s) they had the preceding year. Those who did > not come in 2017 have lost their priority and should consider themselves > as > ?newcomers?. > > However, since this year we could set up 70 tables in the new hall, I am > confident that most of the newcomers who asked for tables will get > accommodated. > Those of you, who had booked tables in 2017, please tell me quickly > whether > (or not) you confirm your coming again this year. If yes, specify how many > tables you want to rent. > I insist that if you cannot make it this year, you should notify me that > you > wish to cancel. This is very important and absolutely needed so I can > immediately assign tables to those who are on the waiting list. > Contrary to the regular exhibitors, tables for newcomers are attributed on > a > ?first come, first served? basis. > > Table specification: > The new hall can accommodate 70 tables, all equal in size (160 x 80 cm). > Price per table (not per meter !) as in 2017: (1 table = 170 euro; 2 > tables > = 320 euro; 3 tables = 450 euro; 4 tables = 600 euro). > Payment should be done, as usual, at the reception desk. > Cash in euros. French checks tolerated, no credit cards. > (Note: payment conditions will be reviewed for the 20th show in 2019) > > For table reservation, just e-mail me: zelimir.gabelica at uha.fr > > Nobody can enter the Gymnasium hall without badges that will distributed > only after payment. All dealers as well as their assistants must > absolutely > wear their own named badges at all time when they are inside the hall. > > Badges are attributed on the following basis: > 1 table reserved = 1 or 2 badges attributed; > 2 tables, up to 3 badges; > 3 tables, up to 4 badges, > 4 tables, up to 5 badges etc. > Extra badges (than allowed) can be exceptionally granted for an extra fee > of > 10 euro. > > I will need the full names and the country of origin of all the dealers > and > their assistants as soon as possible, so we can prepare the corresponding > badges in time. > People without badges are not considered as dealers, cannot occupy tables, > nor are allowed to enter the hall on Friday (Dealer?s Day), nor sell > meteorites elsewhere within the buildings or over the Gymnasium park. > > This year Show dates are (as usual, this is the week preceding the > Ste-Marie > Mineral & Gem show): > - Professional day: Fri. June 15: 10:00?18:00 (exclusively open to dealers > with badges) > - Public: > * Sat. June 16: 9:30?18:30 (dealer?s access to the hall possible from > 7:30) > * Sun. June 17: 9:30?16:30 (dealer?s access to the hall possible from 8:30) > > Entrance fee > * Saturday & Sunday: 5 ? > * Sunday only: 2 ? > * Children under 12: free > > > Consignment Tables: = space where organizers & guests coming from far away > are offering for sale at a friendly price their ?extraterrestrials?. > These extra tables are now located in the middle of the hall, the probable > ?meeting point? for everybody. > Those who are interested in renting a small space on those consignment > tables, please contact me and, if possible, specify approximately the > amount > of space desired. > > Friday DINNER PARTY > > Starting now, please send me your reservation(s) for the FRIDAY DINNER > PARTY > (send them only by email, zelimir.gabelica at uha.fr with the number of > people, > their names and specify the country). > This reservation is not a strict control but helps the cooks to prepare > the > appropriate amount of food. > > The dinner on Friday June 15, in the Elisatia building, starts at 20:00. > (with the possibility to move the tables outside if the weather > cooperates). > > Just like last year, the dinner menu will be a ?chef?s special? (to be > specified later, or on request) Vegetarian menu possible, but please ask. > > May I suggest you don?t wait too long before you decide to attend this > ?unavoidable? and fun event. > Let?s say it better: ?please hurry up?! > > Further details on accommodation, maps and traveling indications, hotel > list > & reservation possibilities, induction ceremonies, food, accommodation, > wine > sales, lecture(s), Friday Dinner Party etc? will be provided on the > official > show flyer that will be ready very soon and put on the Ensisheim City web > site. > > We are preparing a warm welcome for everybody attending this ?not so > ordinary? 19th meteorite show in Ensisheim. > Now I am hope to receive news from many of you as soon as possible and I > remain at your disposal to provide you with any kind of additional > information. > > Thank you for your interest. > > My ever friendly regards to everybody. > > Zelimir > > > Anne Black > IMPACTIKA.com > impactika at aol.com > > > > > > > > ______________________________________________ > > Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/meteoritecentral and the > Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > https://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > > ______________________________________________ > > Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/meteoritecentral and the > Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > https://pairlist3.pair.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 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