[meteorite-list] Burning Man Meteorite

From: robert crane <rrobber1_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 11:45:32 -0700
Message-ID: <BAY402-EAS207B1E62FB6B823D91359498C220_at_phx.gbl>

Hippies do strange things.

> On Sep 20, 2013, at 11:11, "Galactic Stone & Ironworks" <meteoritemike at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi List,
> I talked to one of my old high-school friends today and he told me
> something interesting that I did not know.
> He goes to Burning Man every year and the last time he went, he
> learned that each Burning Man has a large iron meteorite in the base
> that supports the Man. After they burn him, they sift through the
> ashes and recover the meteorite to be used again.
> I asked him what kind of meteorite it was, and he said that it was
> Chinese and over 500 years old, and that was all he knew. Well, it's
> obviously a Nantan, and I guess I don't have a problem with
> mistreating that meteorite since Nantans are so common. Heck, it
> might not even be a real meteorite, if they bought it off eBay, given
> the high number of bogus Nantans offered there by sellers in China.
> Was anyone else aware of this Burning Man tradition involving the
> meteorite? And if so, are there any details available regarding the
> source of the meteorite, the size, etc?
> Best regards,
> MikeG
> --
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Received on Fri 20 Sep 2013 02:45:32 PM PDT

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