(unknown charset) [meteorite-list] AD - our new book "Beni M'hira, the forgotten meteorite" is still available.
From: (unknown charset) Pelé Pierre-Marie <pierremariepele_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:08:46 +0100 (BST) Message-ID: (unknown charset) <1379354926.23485.YahooMailNeo_at_web133004.mail.ir2.yahoo.com> Hello, if you don't still have your book about the tunisian meteorite hunting in the Beni M'hira strewnfield, you can still order it on? http://www.beni-mhira.com/shop/booklet/ On 8 January 2001, a meteorite of considerable size fell in southeast Tunisia, near the small town of Beni M?hira, located thirty kilometers east of Tataouine. Local authorities recovered some stones but the search ceased quickly. Curiously, this event then fell into oblivion. In 2012, during our expeditions in the Tunisian desert, we were approached by a man holding specimens of the fall of Beni M?hira.We acquired the lot and, investigating the area, we found the strewn field. Since April 2012, we have worked a systematic study of the area, identifying all meteorites found in this desert place.This is the fascinating story that we relate in this book. Pierre-Marie Pel? Meteor-Center M?t?orites : achat - vente - expertise - exp?ditions - recherche http://www.meteor-center.com IMCA 3360 WebRep currentVote noRating noWeight Received on Mon 16 Sep 2013 02:08:46 PM PDT |
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