[meteorite-list] manufacturing "shooting stars"

From: Maurizio Eltri <maurizio.eltri_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 19:44:23 +0200
Message-ID: <5235FE95003D7C4D_at_outrelay06.libero.it> (added by postmaster@outrelay06.libero.it)

Lately I use a part of my free time (still too little), manufacturing
"shooting stars".
Seriously, I believe that these can be useful for disclosure this
branch of astronomy
and maybe cause someone to go into that.
the ornaments are made of varnished wood and contain a small fragment
of a meteorite,
similar to those that colliding with the Earth's atmosphere produce
the phenomenon of
meteors and those as bright as the brightest stars which can be seen
in the sky.



Maurizio Eltri
Venice, Italy
Received on Mon 16 Sep 2013 01:44:23 PM PDT

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