[meteorite-list] Mars Rover Opportunity Update: October 2-9, 2013

From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 12:15:47 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <201310171915.r9HJFmdL021051_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov>


OPPORTUNITY UPDATE: Heading to a High Slope for Some Sunshine -
sols 3445-3452, Oct. 02, 2013-Oct. 09, 2013:

Opportunity is on the northern edge of 'Solander Point' at the rim of
Endeavour Crater.

The rover is investigating the geologic contacts at the base of Solander
Point. On Sol 3446 (Oct. 3, 2013), at the location of the surface target
'Callitris,' Opportunity began an extensive two-sol, stereo color panorama
of the ridge along Solander Point.

Additional Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) integrations were
collected on 'Callitris' on Sol 3448 (Oct. 5, 2013). On Sol 3452 (Oct.
9, 2013), with the ridge panorama complete and the work on Callitris done,
the rover drove away to the southwest with a 64-feet (19.5-meter) drive
heading toward a favorable energy (high-slope) 'lily pad.'

As of Sol 3452 (Oct. 9, 2013), the solar array energy production was 328
watt-hours with an atmospheric opacity (Tau) of 0.649 and a solar array
dust factor of 0.508.

Total odometry is 23.88 miles (38.43 kilometers).
Received on Thu 17 Oct 2013 03:15:47 PM PDT

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