[meteorite-list] Q about Impact Glass from Crooked Creek

From: Graham Ensor <graham.ensor_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2013 23:25:42 +0100
Message-ID: <CAJkn+kZo-tA47Pt=Ka2gLNRxD-0hKHZLz+fKhzi57CQ4Jvqykg_at_mail.gmail.com>

Hi Brandon,

How do you tell the difference between this as impact glass and a lump
of man made slag? Have you tested the metal for nickel?


On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 9:39 PM, <b1dunovant at aol.com> wrote:
> Listees,
> Sorry for the double post, but I had to let everyone know i have added to my
> listings a very rare and I have no doubt a scientifically important
> specimen. it is a endcut of impact glass from Crooked Creek that has metal
> inclusions in it. As if the impact glass isn't rare enough, the metal is
> apparent in the cut face as well as included on the exterior as an oxidized
> roundish ball.
> I am no trying to push the sale, rather I would like those who disregard ADs
> on the list to have an opportunity to not only see the specimen, but to
> discuss it if possible. In my gatherings i also found a 4-5lb. specimen
> which has a quench texture on the bottom that transitions into a
> gray/'blue/black glass which has inclusions of the quench.
> Has anyone encountered this material in the field or has anybody seen this
> at other localities?
> Here is the link to 1/2 of the impact glass specimens I found. This is quite
> small in comparison to the other, however the larger specimen does not have
> included metal.
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/84g-Endcut-of-Crooked-Creek-Impactite-Extremely-Rare-Impact-Glass-with-metal-/221292197160?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item33860af528
> Any input would be greatly appreciated.
> Pictures of the large specimen (not for sale) upon request.
> Thank you and all the best,
> Brandon D.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: b1dunovant <b1dunovant at aol.com>
> To: meteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Tue, Oct 1, 2013 1:13 pm
> Subject: [meteorite-list] AD: Amazing Impactite Material for sale!!
> Carbonate Melts, beaut breccia and more..
> Good Day/Night Fellow Listees.
> It's been some time since I have had a chance to get on the list and
> also present some new material to the collectors and researchers
> interested. I have had to deal with some serious personal family issues
> and this has weighted heavy on me as of late.
> Today I would like to get the word out that I have some new impact
> material of such quality that it should excite those who share my
> common interest and attention. It is not just the size, but also the
> scarcity.
> To some up what I have I am just going to list what I have below.
> Further specimens will be added over the course of the day so stay
> tuned as well!
> http://www.ebay.com/usr/meteor-rite
> 1) 469.2g endcut of full impact melt from the Crooked Creek, Missouri
> impact.
> 2) 39.5g Rare slice of possible impact or landslide melt in Kofels,
> Australia.
> 3) 1,123g corner cut of impact breccia from the Crooked Creek, Missouri
> impact.
> 4) 868.2g Huge slice of impact. Melt breccia from the Glover Bluff,
> Wisconsin impact site.
> 5) 441.7g. beautiful corner cut of the yellow type impact breccia from
> the Glover Bluff, Wisconsin impact site.
> I also have a piece of Meteorite art in the form of a Zoomorphic Campo
> that has been painted by an artist with oil paint. It was shaped and is
> now presented beautifully as a colorful chameleon. It was displayed in
> a display at a museum for some time and includes documentation from
> them as well as the artist.
> Again, my eBay listings can be viewed by following the below link.
> http://www.ebay.com/usr/meteor-rite ;
> Thank you and all the best,
> Brandon D.
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Received on Tue 01 Oct 2013 06:25:42 PM PDT

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