[meteorite-list] Chelyabinsk - slickensides or shock planes?

From: Jim Wooddell <jim.wooddell_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 10:19:43 -0700
Message-ID: <519BACAF.7000003_at_suddenlink.net>

Hi Jim Baxter,
And, that is what I am not seeing. I'am going to be a very hard sell on
the term slickensides until I see something that scientifically supports
it and why it is there. Do the threads actually appear and are they
In my mind, the coming apart part would not create a slickenside (cool
state) where as the coming together with great pressure and time would.
Just thinking out loud, not qualified to say one way or the other!
I also see where this appearance is shown lower in topography in it's
area which, to me, would be odd for slickenside.


Jim Wooddell

On 5/21/2013 9:18 AM, Jim Baxter wrote:
> Slickensides are polished surfaces caused by lateral movement along a
> fault plane. In hand specimens they feel rough when you rub your
> finger in one direction and smooth when you rub it in the other. Not
> sure that test would be feasible on the size specimens most of us own.
> In theory if the fault planes represent planes of weakness along which
> breaks occur then you could be seeing both things - slickensides that
> formed by lateral movement along the shock plane when the stone fractured.
> Jim Baxter
Received on Tue 21 May 2013 01:19:43 PM PDT

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