[meteorite-list] FW: Gold Basin Project photos

From: Larry and Twink Monrad <larrytwinkmonrad_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 05:31:39 -0700
Message-ID: <9BB13E054AB645BF8B33375FC16E76B3_at_LarryPC>

 On You Tube you can now view my personal photo album of the early years
spent at Gold Basin mapping the field, followed by photos taken of folks who
came up to hunt with us, Tucson Show photos and parties. A few of us appear
to be quite a bit younger, how did that happen?

 The video can be found here: http://youtu.be/58iJEjMMAAg

Twink Monrad
Received on Thu 21 Mar 2013 08:31:39 AM PDT

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