[meteorite-list] Stolen Meteorites
From: Eric Twelker <twelker_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2013 14:26:42 -0800 Message-ID: <915839A7-6E35-4BE8-8D41-F27552770651_at_alaska.net> I have been asked to write this letter by a friend and colleague in the meteorite community. There has been major theft of rare and valuable material being shipped from Tucson. Specimens were taken from a shipping box after placement with a shipping company in Tucson. Specimens were then replaced by pieces of asphalt and the box was then shipped to my friend at his home. Investigation with the shipper and by the police at the point of destination revealed who was responsible for taking the material. That person was contacted and has admitted taking the pieces, but he is refusing to return the material using the leverage of alleged customs violations. My friend wants his material back without conditions and doesn't want it tied up in a long court case. The perpetrator does not think my friend is serious about pressing charges and will not seek return of his material. I can assure this list that my friend is serious and will press charges if the material is not returned. The evidence is overwhelming. My friend has prepared a web page of the missing material which we will share with the list if this matter is not resolved by tomorrow. Until then, people on this list need to be very careful about what they buy and who they buy it from. If you are buying planetary or museum label pieces or have been offered such pieces, please take extreme care. The quantity of material is quite large. You are welcome to contact me to if you have a question about a specific piece you are considering. At this time our concern is getting the material back in good shape. We are not identifying those involved. If charges are brought--and if this is not resolved immediately, we expect charges would be within a week--then of course the names would be known then. Eric Twelker Received on Sun 10 Mar 2013 06:26:42 PM PDT |
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