[meteorite-list] Public Radio Program about Meteors

From: Larry Atkins <thetoprok_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Mar 2013 11:40:31 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <8CFE70E1E12A290-F44-CD479_at_webmail-d057.sysops.aol.com>

Hi Mike,

Great job! That was a good interview, very informative and easy for the
layman to understand.
You've done a lot in a short time, congrat's on your accomplishments.

Now if we could just find that pesky Mason Dixon meteorite. : )

Larry Atkins
IMCA # 1941

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Hankey <mike.hankey at gmail.com>
To: meteoritelist <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>; Global Meteor
Observing Forum <meteorobs at meteorobs.org>
Sent: Mon, Mar 4, 2013 8:41 am
Subject: [meteorite-list] Public Radio Program about Meteors

Hello List,

A producer from NPR contacted me during the Russian meteor mania and
wanted to do an interview about meteors. Someone came out to my office
last week and recorded it while I talked with the host over the phone.
The interview was published this morning on their website:

Here's a link to the program:

It airs at different times on different radio stations but the pod
cast is easiest.

I know i made at least one mistake regarding the size of asteroids (we
were talking about hazardous ones right before and I got mixed up). I
know this is the metlist so please freely point out any other mistakes
or misrepresentations. I was pretty nervous after it was recorded but
they did a nice job in the editing room.


Mike Hankey

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Received on Mon 04 Mar 2013 11:40:31 AM PST

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