[meteorite-list] The stones from the desert.

From: Pict <pict_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 03 Mar 2013 08:41:39 -0700
Message-ID: <CD58B72F.13113%pict_at_pict.co.uk>


Has the appearance of an igneous porphyry of some sort. Looks like the
larger light phenocrysts are feldspars (fairly pale colour so possibly
plagioclase?) and possibly the dark flecks are biotite. It appears finely
veined with quartz or calcite so may have undergone some hydrothermal
alteration. I'm pretty much guessing. Igneous petrology is not my strong
point but I'm sure there are others around that might be able to deduce
something more definitive from an image alone.


On 03/03/2013 02:44, "A.V.Leonenko" <alphoto at rambler.ru> wrote:

>Hi List!
>What can you say these stones?
>Thank you!
>Yours faithfully.
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Received on Sun 03 Mar 2013 10:41:39 AM PST

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