[meteorite-list] Meteorite found in Gresia, Teleorman county, Romania
From: karmaka <karmaka-meteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 20:35:08 +0200 Message-ID: <1UruYe-0tMsYi0_at_fwd52.aul.t-online.de> Dear list members, today the Romanian media report that a 26.9 kg weathered meteorite, found 30 years ago in the village Gresia ( 44?10'16.03"N, 24?55'4.29"E ) , Teleorman county, Romania, was identified as a chondrite in October 2012. Preliminary paper: The meteorite of Gresia - Teleorman County (Romania) by Ion STELEA und Monica GHENCIU (Geological Institute of Romania) http://rjes.igr.ro/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Stelea-Ghenciu-RJES-86-in-press-.pdf Romanian article: http://www.obiectiv.info/s-a-descoperit-un-nou-meteorit-in-romania-a-stat-ascuns-zece-ani-in-curtea-unui-satean_14864.html Does anyone have additional information? Martin ---------------------------------------------------------------- Postfach fast voll? Jetzt kostenlos E-Mail Adresse _at_t-online.de sichern und endlich Platz f?r tausende Mails haben. http://www.t-online.de/email-kostenlos Received on Wed 26 Jun 2013 02:35:08 PM PDT |
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