[meteorite-list] RENAMING OF NWA 5435 L4-5 (prov.) TO NWA 3999 (prov.) IN MET. BUL.
From: Fabien Kuntz <wwmeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 22:25:32 +0100 (BST) Message-ID: <1373405132.45153.YahooMailNeo_at_web172601.mail.ir2.yahoo.com> Jeff, list, NWA 5133 has always been referenced in my database as K092, not K091... About NWA 6435 as prov name that's the last news I obtained from the lab, but indeed saw the status is very different on the database... Between the data I submitted and what appears on the Bulletin, mistake in maybe 1/4 or 1/5 of the entry (wrong reported TKW, GPS coordinates fall sometimes 1.8km appart of the right find location, wrong main mass owner...). But I checked my email archives, data I submitted was generaly correct ! For other, the classification is just wrong. NWA 5131 is reported as LL7... but is definitively recognized as a CR7 for years now. http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/metsoc2011/pdf/5222.pdf Classification accepted before oxygen isotopes, never changed even if requested. Means problem with some collectors, I claim a type when the bulletin say another one... Problem of delay in meteorite name designation and classification approvement is one thing (for me a nightmare in the case of a carbonaceous from Oman that some listees known, classified, submitted but lost for years now in the process), but mistakes like these drive me crazy. I hunt and document all : GPS coordinates, pictures on the field, pictures at home before cutting, I weight exactly each specimens, cut a type specimen and sometimes provide a thin section, I check and double check a excel file before to send it... and found mistakes at the end, just for an error of copy/paste from my original data. I blame no one, work is hard on the lab as on the field, but sometimes... Fabien Fabien Kuntz M?t?orites (ventes, expertise, conf?rences) Animation scientifique et technique WWMETEORITES (Siret : 511 850 612 00017) www.wwmeteorites.com? Received on Tue 09 Jul 2013 05:25:32 PM PDT |
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