[meteorite-list] Met List updating was Mbale TKW

From: Anne Black <impactika_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 19:49:41 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <8CFBDACAC957693-9D4-67FD_at_webmail-d034.sysops.aol.com>

Yes, but...........

The study of Almahata Sitta is nowhere near finished.
Prof. Bischoff at the University of Muenster is studying each and every
fragment one at a time, that is how he discovered that one fragment was
a Bencubbinite. But he has more fragments to go thru. No way to guess
what else he might find!
And Dr. Bunch called it a "Garbage Pile" of a meteorite, but a very
nice garbage pile! ;-)

Anne M. Black
IMPACTIKA at aol.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Mendy Ouzillou <ouzillou at yahoo.com>
To: MEM <mstreman53 at yahoo.com>; Prof. Zelimir Gabelic
 a Universit? de Haut
 e Alsace ENSCMu, <zelimir.gabelica at uha.fr>
Cc: meteorite-list <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>; Jeff Grossman
<jngrossman at gmail.com>
Sent: Thu, Jan 10, 2013 11:42 am
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Met List updating was Mbale TKW


Timely question because this specific issue came to mind regarding
Sitta.? AMH has many unique classifications depending on the stone that
being analyzed. I think the word used has been "rubble pile", but
keeping track
of the weights and unique classifications would be of great use.

Mendy Ouzillou

> From: MEM <mstreman53 at yahoo.com>
>To: "Prof. Zelimir Gabelica Universit? de Haute Alsace ENSCMu,"
<zelimir.gabelica at uha.fr>; Mendy Ouzillou <ouzillou at yahoo.com>
>Cc: "meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com"
<meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>;
Jeff Grossman <jngrossman at gmail.com>
>Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 10:34 AM
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list]Met List updating??was Mbale TKW
>This is probably for Jeff Grossman but I am curious as to the process
updating details of a meteorite in the bulletin.? A TKW is one that is
encountered.? In the case where a follow on researcher reclassifies?
meteorite based on a different mineralogy in a second specimen after
the first
approval is published. Following that line of thought just how do we
duel lithology where the lithologies are from entirely different
Examples could be eucrite vs howardite or an EL 5 which we later find
is mainly
an and Enstatite achondrite in other studied samples. Do you go back
and change
the classification? Do you catalog both classifications?? Do you stick
with the
>> FM
>>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Mbale TKW
>>Hi Mendy,
>>You are perfectly right, this is not an exact weight (200-250 kg is
just a range). I don't have that paper but this is part of the summary
I got.
But it is clear that this figure is just deriving from a (here
"breakup") model.
>>I am sorry for my misleading word "update". By this, I meant this
perhaps be added as a side remark to the writeup for Mbale, which I did
in my
own catalog, understanding that I maintained the official tkw and the
number of
pieces really collected (or at least reported).
>>Sorry for the confusion. Excellent remark though.

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Received on Thu 10 Jan 2013 07:49:41 PM PST

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