[meteorite-list] New measures to protect fossils

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 13:14:05 -0500
Message-ID: <CAKBPJW_AVLc4DMDSqJdPgBdGhfyyvkd4_tihVe+3TTF2=D=gbg_at_mail.gmail.com>

They should be working on a way to stop the flow of fake fossils out
of China. Half of the "fossils" coming out of China now are bogus. I
wouldn't touch a Chinese fossil with the proverbial ten-foot pole.

Best regards,


On 2/27/13, Paul H. <inselberg at cox.net> wrote:
> New measures to protect fossils
> By WANG QIAN, chinadaily, February 27, 2013
> http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2013-02/27/content_16261862.htm
> The article does not say anything about meteorites.
> However, if they are rethinking rules about fossils,
> they might also be rethinking the rules about meteorites.
> A compilation of web pages about rock and fossil
> collecting for various states and countries is
> "Fruitbat's Pdf Library - Fossil Collecting ?
> Management, Laws And Regulations" at
> http://www.thefossilforum.com/index.php/topic/18378-fruitbats-pdf-library-fossil-collecting-management-laws-and-regulations/
> Paul H.
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Received on Wed 27 Feb 2013 01:14:05 PM PST

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