[meteorite-list] New measures to protect fossils

From: Paul H. <inselberg_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 7:40:20 -0500
Message-ID: <20130227124020.63AYE.415405.imail_at_eastrmwml108>

New measures to protect fossils
By WANG QIAN, chinadaily, February 27, 2013

The article does not say anything about meteorites.
However, if they are rethinking rules about fossils,
they might also be rethinking the rules about meteorites.

A compilation of web pages about rock and fossil
collecting for various states and countries is
"Fruitbat's Pdf Library - Fossil Collecting ?
Management, Laws And Regulations" at

Paul H.
Received on Wed 27 Feb 2013 07:40:20 AM PST

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