[meteorite-list] Possible that comet will hit mars next year!!!
From: Marcin Cimala <marcin_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2013 13:59:46 +0100 Message-ID: <FB031EBFCF6148598304A49F1F3863A8_at_meteorytf1cafb> wow That could be "something" to watch! But Im affraid it could be end not only for Curiosity but also for mars exploration for dozens of years if not more. So I dont know if I like to see it or not :)) -----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-----[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]----- http://www.Meteoryty.pl marcin(at)meteoryty.pl http://www.PolandMET.com marcin(at)polandmet.com http://www.Gao-Guenie.com GSM: +48 (793) 567667 --------[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]-------- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham Ensor" <graham.ensor at gmail.com> To: "meteorite list" <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 1:38 PM Subject: [meteorite-list] Possible that comet will hit mars next year!!! > Has anyone come across this yet...unlikely....but would be quite an event? > > Just got this message from my nephew at Oxford Uni... > > "There is a (admittedly slight) chance that a recently discovered > comet, C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring), might be on a collision course with > Mars in October 2014. Latest observations certainly include an impact > possibility within the range of error. > > If it hits, estimates suggest a 500km wide, 2km deep crater arising > from a ~20 Petaton event. That's something like 4 million times the > (estimated) explosive power of the current global nuclear arsenal. > > Would be interesting to watch and see if any of the rovers on the > surface manage to survive such an impact (I would imagine only > possibly Curiosity but keeping lines of communication open with it > might prove difficult). Might make for (eventually, but not in our > lifetimes) some interesting future Martian meteorites." > > > http://www.universetoday.com/100298/is-a-comet-on-a-collision-course-with-mars/ > > Graham > ______________________________________________ > > Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > Received on Wed 27 Feb 2013 07:59:46 AM PST |
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