[meteorite-list] Space Rock Graffiti

From: Paul Gessler <cetuspa_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 11:23:01 -0800
Message-ID: <2556712F5B2940D8A222557A091E9F48_at_paulPC>

I am just envisioning in my head those ultra desirable painted / numbered
and cataloged pieces from
historical collections like the Paris museum and Nininger collection etc.

Well maybe someday we can add these marked asteroid pieces to our
But..... would this be the first space Graffiti ? We might as well sell the
rights and put corporate advertising on them
Like space billboards. This near Earth catastrophe averted thanks to the
generous support of (WALMART) ? TARGET....?

Just thinking


Paul Gessler
Received on Sat 23 Feb 2013 02:23:01 PM PST

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