[meteorite-list] Russian meteor: Stefan Geens' research updates - part 4

From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2013 11:27:30 -0500
Message-ID: <CAKBPJW87a=GchTBKbguTZQ20VpeaF2MjbshbWaG3Mw9JjAyP8w_at_mail.gmail.com>

Thanks for these updates Robin! :)

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On 2/23/13, Robin Whittle <rw at firstpr.com.au> wrote:
> In addition to the article I mentioned in another message (Russian: A
> preliminary reconstruction of the orbit of the Chelyabinsk Meteoroid
> byJorge I. Zuluaga & Ignacio Ferrin) here are some further updates of
> interest from emails regarding Stefan Geens' site and other things I
> found by following links from those updates:
> http://ogleearth.com/2013/02/reconstructing-the-chelyabinsk-meteors-path-with-google-earth-youtube-and-high-school-math/
> This little-viewed video (603 views) by Axel Alex:
>   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R99zvcrqXo8
> appears to be taken directly under the path of the meteor close to its
> point of main conflagration (my terminology).  From some coordinates
> supplied by Serge in an email update, the text of which does not appear
> on the above page.  This was clearly taken at the coordinates Serge
> supplied: 54.872644 N, 61.200792 E, with three smokestacks behind a
> building:
> http://maps.google.com/maps?q=54.872644+N,+61.200792+E&hl=en&ll=54.872687,61.202066&spn=0.004574,0.008497&sll=51.533333,55.008889&sspn=0.660343,0.582275&t=h&z=17
> I tried to add this as a comment to the video but there was some kind of
> error.  This is the Korkino Cement Plant:
>   http://www.lafarge.ru/wps/portal/ru/en/2_1_A_2-UralCementPlant
> next to the Klubnika railway station which is about 1.5km ENE of
> Pervomayskiy (note the 'i') AKA Pervomaiskii.  This about 8km WSW of
> Korkino.
> I think this video locates the meteor path with a north-to-south
> accuracy better than any other evidence I recall seeing.  Also, it is
> possible to locate the features of the smoke trail in the east-west
> direction from this video.
> >From the page http://meteorites.ru/menu/press-e/yuzhnouralsky2013-e.php
> A collection of meteorites in plastic bags:
>   http://meteorites.ru/images/yuzhnouralsky2013/img_8519.jpg
> A child finding a meteorite:
>   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gN4HN7QK8M&feature=player_embedded
> Meteorites 30km south of Chelyabinsk:
>   http://meteorites.ru/menu/press-e/yuzhnouralsky2013-e.php
> The best photo I have seen of the main conflagration:
>   http://meteorites.ru/images/yuzhnouralsky2013/dudarev_leprosorium.jpg
> "searches were conducted at the village Zvyagino and Kuvashi. According
> to the assessment by the Commission of the Government of the Chelyabinsk
> region, finds of the celestial body remains failed."
> http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Russia,+Chelyabinskaya+oblast,+Kuvashi&hl=en&ll=55.154649,59.42977&spn=0.036339,0.067978&sll=-37.73563,145.07369&sspn=0.05247,0.036392&oq=Kuvashi+Russia&t=h&hnear=Kuvashi,+gorod+Zlatoust,+Chelyabinsk+Oblast,+Russia&z=14
> http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Russia,+Chelyabinskaya+oblast,+Zvyagino&hl=en&ll=54.74365,60.751648&spn=1.174798,2.175293&sll=55.154649,59.42977&sspn=0.036339,0.067978&t=h&hnear=Zvyagino,+Chebarkulsky+District,+Chelyabinsk+Oblast,+Russia&z=9
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Received on Sat 23 Feb 2013 11:27:30 AM PST

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