[meteorite-list] I will be in Barcelona next week

From: David Allepuz <dallepuz_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 20:23:02 +0100
Message-ID: <71306113EF704C90B4D7F988FFFAA0A9_at_DavidPC>

Hello from Barcelona !
Well, near Barcelona, just 20Km apart.

At the Museu Blau (Blue Museum) you can find all the Catalonian falls and
some Spanish ones.
There is also some "usual museum meteorites", Campo's, Gibeon's, etc.
They are all together in a display at the end of the exposition.
Last summer we (www.cazameteoritos.es and www.meteorits.cat ) were
credited to take photos of all meteorites and weight them.
It was a great day, holding in our hands historical Catalan meteorites !
You can take photos without flash.

I can also recomend you to visit the CosmoCaixa Museu de la Ci?ncia (
CosmoCaixa Science Museum), at his central hall is a great exposition of
larger Gibeons.
And at the exit hall you can find one solitary Allende.

If you need any more information, please contact me off-list

David Allepuz

-----Missatge original-----
From: Mendy Ouzillou
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 7:33 PM
To: met-list
Subject: [meteorite-list] I will be in Barcelona next week

I will be in Barcelona next week for the Mobile World Congress show. My
schedule looks light on Thursday afternoon (Feb. 28th) and was wondering if
anyone has visited the Barcelona Natural Science Museum (Museo Blau) and if
they have a meteorite exhibit. I had so much fun visiting the Natural
History Museum in London and getting to meet the fabulous ladies there, I
wanted to see if I might be able to replicate that experience in Barcelona.



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