[meteorite-list] Composition of Russian bolide smoke trail

From: GeoZay at aol.com <GeoZay_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 10:39:08 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <1240b.522d8624.3e58eb1b_at_aol.com>

>>When we look at the smoke trail or meteor train from the Russian
> fireball, what we're seeing is fine meteor dust lit up by the sun,
> correct? Is there a water vapor component as well?
> Thank you for your responses.
> Bob<<

Bob, I don't know about any water vapor trail, but I bet there's a big ion
trail from various atmospheric elements such as oxygen and nitrogen that
were long lasting.
George Zay
Received on Fri 22 Feb 2013 10:39:08 AM PST

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