[meteorite-list] Meteorites found from the Casa Grande fireball of 1998

From: Marc Fries <chief_scientist_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 18:01:23 -0800
Message-ID: <1BE607C3-66CD-4AF4-A03F-ABBB452CCA25_at_galacticanalytics.com>


        We have examined archived radar data from the Casa Grande, AZ fireball of 07 June 1998 and located signatures of a meteorite fall from that event. We would like to publicly thank Rob Ward for sharing his eyewitness accounts, providing us a starting point from which we identified radar signatures. Three meteorites have been found over the past week, and the size of this event suggests that many more are out there.

        We have to include a warning - THE FALL AREA IS A DANGEROUS SITE. This area is heavily traveled by both human and drug smugglers, and there have been recent incidents of violence in the area. A body was also found in the strewn field. Local law enforcement travel through the area only in armed groups. CAMPING IS NOT RECOMMENDED, as considerable smuggling activity occurs at night. If you're going to search this area, we recommend that you search in groups, let the local BLM office know that you're in the area, and take adequate self-defense precautions. Galactic Analytics LLC is not liable for death, injury, or material loss you may incur during your search.

        We strongly recommend that you read this post before searching in the area:


        An analysis of radar signatures is now "up" on the Galactic Analytics website:


Marc Fries
Galactic Analytics LLC
Received on Mon 18 Feb 2013 09:01:23 PM PST

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