[meteorite-list] Russia mega meteor and asteroid 2012DA14 related, yes I think so...
From: Michael Bross <element33_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 23:52:17 +0100 Message-ID: <8ED4FB9CFF11455ABD15208D1AF3C03B_at_DaDaPC> yes And I remember also that great documentary on PBS (Nova I think) about the implications of the eruption of the Krakatau in Indonesia in the 6th Century made by an "obscure" scientist in UK mocked and ridiculed for years by his pairs... to end up that he was right about his theory. Finally, corroborated by intense studies across major science fields (arctic ice aging, archives at the Vatican etc... etc...) Cheers Michael -------------------------------------------------- From: "Bjorn Sorheim" <astrogeo at online.no> Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 11:24 PM To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Russia mega meteor and asteroid 2012DA14 related, yes I think so... > > Thanks for your general positive comment on this discussion. > I would agree with you on the .'more and more skeptical' about some > output of so called scientific knowlegde over the years. > > Say any scientist or budding scientist have a model on some kind of aspect > of nature. The model can be quite ok according to exact knowledge and > observation > about this part of nature. > However, if you wrongly enter the wrong numbers (because of lack of good > observations or > other misconceptions or sloppy or rushed work) the good quality model > won't help you, you end up > with hopeless results. Be aware of this situation. And this situation > happen all the time in science, > an incredible unfounded input of bad numbers. Particulary in astronomy, I > would say, where so > much is hidden in the darkness of space and unrepeatable fleeting > observations. > > Take the case Chicxulub for instance. All of this hopeless numbers > swirling about about size, energy, > entry angle, mass etc. Did it ever happen? Just 65 mill. years since it > happened and where the > hell is its crater rim?? Should have been higher than Himalaya! Where is > it?? Who observed this anyway :) > Assumptions, upon assumptions. Yet you hear dinosaur-killer all over the > popular scientific press, > Discovery, National Geographic channel, etc, etc. > Serious geologist says the reason the dinosaurs perished was outpouring of > kilometers thick lava sheets > expanding several times the size of my country. Polluted the atmosphere. > They have found that dinosaurs died > out over hundred thousands of years, not in an instant as the impact > theory will have it. > Super-volcano at the Deccan traps. No asteroid needed. Yet astronomers > pour out their staggering Chicxulub numbers an an increasing rate. Easy to > lie with numbers... > > Take also the case of Carancas, Peru, Sept 15., 2007. Every known > celestial mechanican, geologist, astronomer, > meteoriticist denied the explosion at Carancas, Peru was a meteorite to > the press. This was going on for weeks. > The sick hords of people was just sick, a meteorite fall does not make you > sick, they said. > This was an metan explosion, military detonation at the border, whatever, > but not a meteorite, the 'experts' said, actually the real experts. > Meteorites does not produce a 13 m crater! The combined scientific elite > denied this case. The Peruvian press still kept on reporting about the > meteorite. > They were all put to shame when the Bureau of Mines (or similar name) in > Lima, released their scientific study of the > fragments from the crater. It was soon in Meteoritical Bulletin > thereafter. Going against all science establishments in the developed > world. This disgraceful story was hardly commented afterwards by anyone. > So science can really go astray, and they often behave like a flock of > volwes or a flock of sheep. So be alert and aware... > > Bj?rn S?rheim > > > > >Chris > > >I am a scientist myself, in agronomy. > >And I have learned to be more and more skeptical > >about the common/obvious knowledge over the years... > > >You might be right... but be careful about your > >high level of "certainty"... > > >Said with all respect to you but also Bjorn > >who seems to have a point, if you take into > >account what he said about a split before... > > >Anyway > >lets enjoy your different arguments > > >Michael B. > > ______________________________________________ > > Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Sat 16 Feb 2013 05:52:17 PM PST |
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