[meteorite-list] Russia mega meteor and asteroid 2012DA14 related, yes I think so...

From: Chris Spratt <cspratt_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 13:57:33 -0800
Message-ID: <512000CD.9050201_at_islandnet.com>

The posted orbit for the Russian meteor doesn't resemble in any way 2012
DA14. There is a difference of 7 degrees in the
inclination alone - about 4 degrees for the meteor and 2012 DA's
inclination is 11.6 degrees.
Both the Node and Arg Peri are also different.

Chris. Spratt
Victoria, BC
Received on Sat 16 Feb 2013 04:57:33 PM PST

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