[meteorite-list] Russia mega meteor and asteroid 2012DA14 related, yes I think so...

From: Bjorn Sorheim <astrogeo_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2013 04:56:16 +0100
Message-ID: <>

All the various arguments against it being a connection between the russian
meteor of today and the asteroid passage also today of 2012 DA14 are quite
shallow and actually faulty. The closest passage of a very large asteroid
object ever and the the most damaging (for humans) meteorite fall ever in
the same day and they are not related?? That is a joke! Added to this, can
anyone with good knowledge (exact information) of the geometry of the two
trajectories of these bodies just compare them? The best knowledge I got
(from International Meteor Organization IMO) is pointing towards them being
exact parallell, which would in effect exclude them from not being related.
An object coming in shallow path from south could easily enter Russia from
northeast in the morning. The earth rotates continuously and therefore
entry from northeast is easily attainable. NASA (to the degree they have
made a final verdict) is in error here. Unfortunately the world press has
too little scientific background to counter an error from NASA and follow
it as a flock of drowsy geese. Sorry but this is the situation in this case!
Psychologically, I think this is a case (on the the part of NASA) as -
DON't you grab MY puppy!! (being incidentally asteroid 2012 DA14) Well,
Russia did just that, and the US reaction followed - not the first time

Bj?rn S?rheim
Received on Fri 15 Feb 2013 10:56:16 PM PST

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