[meteorite-list] $10K Tucson Gem Show Charity Raffle Tomorrow

From: Meteorite Men <meteoritemen_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2013 10:01:50 -0700
Message-ID: <CAGsSCzRvLusZo_njfKhY5ka940Rx_izQA-36DyjFmL=_+rD7wg_at_mail.gmail.com>

Dear Listees:

It was great to see so many of you here for the 2013 Tucson gem shows.
Thanks to everyone who attended the 14th annual party -- especially
Maria Hass who organized it -- and congrats to all the 2013 Harvey
Award winners.

In other news: Aerolite Meteorites is hosting a charity raffle at the
gem show with approximately $10,000 in prizes, and the drawing is
tomorrow. All revenue from ticket sales goes directly to two of my
favorite Arizona nonprofits: HOPE Animal Shelter (Tucson's only
no-kill shelter) and Challenger Space Center Arizona, a wonderful
organization dedicated to science education for kids.

You do NOT need to be present to win, and it's easy to purchase
tickets via PayPal. The deadline for online ticket purchases is end of
day today, and tickets can also be purchased, in person, up until 10
am tomorrow at both of our Tucson locations. All are warmly invited to
attend the drawing which will be at noon tomorrow, in our main
showroom, Suite 323 at the Hotel Tucson City Center. Representatives
from HOPE and AZ Challenger will be present to receive their checks,
immediately following the drawing.

Oh behalf of HOPE and AZ Challenger, our sincere thanks to everyone
who has supported this venture!

Details: http://www.aerolite.org/2013-gem-show-raffle.htm

With best wishes to all,

Geoff N.

Received on Thu 14 Feb 2013 12:01:50 PM PST

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