[meteorite-list] IA Event 26 Dec - Data are posted

From: Michael Farmer <mike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2013 12:30:04 -0700
Message-ID: <D9CAAAEB-06B3-4846-BB35-0531FB11879B_at_meteoriteguy.com>

Clearly this is an amazing meteorite-dropping fireball. Looking forward to more data, though sadly the sparsely populated area and heavy snow really limit the likelihood of recovery.
Michael Farmer

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 28, 2013, at 9:03 AM, Marc Fries <chief_scientist at galacticanalytics.com> wrote:
> Howdy all
> Rather than posting to the Galactic Analytics website, I posted the radar imagery to the Galactic Analytics Facebook page instead. It is available for all to see. If you haven't already "liked" the GA Facebook page, just search for Galactic Analytics on Facebook and the result should take you right there - the page is an open group for all to read.
> So, for this event... The fireball is absolutely gorgeous as the AMS page's video shows. There are a few radar returns that I've picked out, which both lie along the AMS projected path and contain a velocity component. Have a look, and comment on the Facebook page. The snow coverage is apparently fairly significant, so any recovery efforts may have to wait until spring. So we have time to talk over this one.
> Cheers,
> Marc Fries
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Received on Sat 28 Dec 2013 02:30:04 PM PST

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