[meteorite-list] Another ebay scammer

From: info at moonmarsrocks.com <info_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 17:17:56 -0700
Message-ID: <20131229171756.b86ea499b59be1b7298b47d2f1127a77.f80b715a65.wbe_at_email13.secureserver.net>

Just spotted these new listings in ebay under a search for Moon rocks: a
guy selling "PKG TEKTITE MAGIC MOON ROCKS". Here is a link to one of the
There are several listings with different quantities being sold.

These are certainly not Moon rocks! Tektites? I doubt it, the experts
can chime in. Healing stones? oh please! I wrote the guy but do not
expect an answer based on some of his listed negative feedback. Here's
an example: "rabbits feet are infested with fleas and chains are rusted,
the seller won't contact me".

Another case of a scamming ebay seller trying to mislead the na?ve
buyer that they are getting Moon rocks in the title, but cleverly does
not mention Moon rocks in the actual description. But he does go on
about tektites. I already reported all his listings to ebay with regards
to the Moon rock fraud. Some of you who have the expertise on tektites
may want to join in and do the same on that topic so ebay will be
compelled to ask him to either reword or remove his listings. I used:
report item link on the bottom right of the listing and then in the
popup menu: listing practices; compilation and informational items;
misleading or excessive keywords; then in the short description you can
add your two cents.

On the bright side, I hope everyone is having a fantastic Holiday

Best regards,

Daniel Noyes
Genuine Moon & Mars Meteorite Rocks
info at moonmarsrocks.com

Received on Sun 29 Dec 2013 07:17:56 PM PST

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