[meteorite-list] AMS Presentation for IMC

From: Mike Hankey <mike.hankey_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 01:07:38 +0200
Message-ID: <CAJak_qXKqWOeVN3iQYYV+hj_L97_Rc1X+SQo=_DA-AVcUaJh1A_at_mail.gmail.com>

Dear Metlist & Meteor Obs,

I sent this out a couple of days ago but I forgot to go plain text and
I don't think it ever made it. If you already got this email, sorry
for the duplication.

Hello From Poznan!

The IMC finished up today and it was really an amazing convention.
Many thanks to the IMO board and members for their kindness and hard
work to make this convention happen and also make it GREAT! I really
had an amazing time and met fabulous people.

I wanted to share the presentation we made for the IMO conference
about the American Meteor Society Technology Platform. I hope you all
like it.


The IMO has agreed to adopt the AMS software so we will be rolling
this out world wide. We have configured the software to easily support
a 'white-label' brand and translated text. This means any astronomical
society, meteor society, observatory or other organization who wants
to collect fireball reports can 'brand' the software with their logo
and native language text and then link to it to capture fireball
witness data with the most precision possible. Setting up your version
of the AMS fireball report is easier than it sounds and there is no
cost. If you are interested please contact me.


Mike Hankey
American Meteor Society
Received on Mon 26 Aug 2013 07:07:38 PM PDT

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