[meteorite-list] Pillistfer ... 150 years ago ... Google EnglishTranslation

From: Jan Woreczko & Wadi <ebay_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 03:17:05 +0200
Message-ID: <AF53EEAFB4154DB38C517C3D77439EA0_at_zeus>

For the curious and the seekers ;-)



----- Original Message -----
From: "Shawn Alan" <photophlow at yahoo.com>
To: <karmaka-meteorites at t-online.de>; "Meteorite Central"
<meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 9:35 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Pillistfer ... 150 years ago ... Google

> Hello Martin and Listers
> Great link Martin on the historic Hammer Fall & first EL/EH meteorite fall
> :)
> I wish I new German, but thank god for Google :)
> But I don't know if they got the translation right, so if that
> are any listers with great German skill please chime in
> on the translation of the article on Pillistfer Hammer Fall
> Down below is the Google translation
> Shawn Alan
> IMCA 1633
> ebay store
> http://stores.ebay.com/imca1633ny?_rdc=1
> http://meteoritefalls.com/
> Google Translation
> He's lightning stone (Piksekiwwi) soon come down with the lightning, soon
> arise as a result of the flash beam into the earth. This confused
> perception is but at least an unbiased observation of meteor Phenomens and
> the flash tube formation is based. Sic is therefore by no means so
> striking as the long, up to the beginning of our century-long Abl?ugnen
> the existence of air or Ilimmelssleinen by scholars Germanic tribe, and
> this Abl?ugnen appropriate, based on a "Physiea sacrau executed
> investigation of the physical nature of those , down toppled by the
> enraged deity from their lofty seats and fallen, rebellious, nineteen foot
> long giant angel 4). Even if the mistake of the Estonians and Latvians
> still, would be greater than he is, he must at least appear very
> excusable. Because of the level of education of these V?lkerst?mmc has not
> yet extended beyond the preservation of homonymous, continuing planted by
> the word up to the present word. And it is
> these legends seem to have done by mixing truth and fiction proper idea of
> certainly not too frequent Meteorilen-phenomenon sacrificing. Or should
> not the Latvians "Wella Sauja" db one thrown down by devils in flight
> llandvolls stones and in the Estonian Kallewipoeg (Giant's son), over
> large land and water surfaces, cast stone pedestals, except a knowledge of
> the erratic Phenomens underground rock pieces also ? linger that of the
> wanderings cosmi shear walking blocks When finally Estonians and Latvians
> still some, of the lower Silurian formation of Estonia that were found,
> peculiarly shaped liver gravel - Keep attachment for lightning stones and
> both ascribe to them, as eng Meteorite healing power, thus saith also that
> fact that the mentioned must have been known to the nations of the smell
> of the most falling meteorites (Chondrile) before the same smell of sulfur
> gravels this gave rise, the latter thrown together with the meteor and
> leave no
> matter descent or origin.
> 1863 it was reserved to provide our provinces rich meteorite material. Was
> of two cases of under conditions. For observation of non-luminous, last
> orbital motion of the meteorites, can be described as rare favorable Apart
> from the cases of Pillistfer in Livonia and Buschhof in Courland, but
> could also have a third come from Igast in Livonia, in 1855 for treatment
> in the following pages. It is not unlikely that he acquaints us with the
> contents of "inert detonirenden fireball known: in any case, it is
> characterized by one of its kind only dastehendes material.
> The description of each meteorite falls and meteorites follows in
> conclusion, a general view of the whole Phenomens. She led us by the hand
> of careful, close observations and directer attempts finally also to
> discuss the problematic partly of Meteoritenpbenomens. Here we faded the
> usual solid ground under their feet and confess we adit through the
> pickling exerted by the meteorites as only the globe from its cosmi
> between ambient sent mineral samples to have been driven into a wide field
> of hypotheses, where, incidentally, after the current location of the
> knowledge of the origin of meteorites, the familiar words of our poet
> apply in full:
> How hard are not to acquire the funds,
> Through which you STCI to Oiiellen. ?I?
> And ch * we reached the half way
> Must be a poor devil die! In an appendix the liver perspective iin
> mineralogical cabinet of the University Dorpnt and some, located in andem
> collections of the Baltic provinces meteorites was laid down.
> . Finally, we speak to all who are in the promotion of meteorites cases
> described kenulniss our, in the following pages, either through their own
> observations or through Eiusanimeln of. Messages or by offering and
> HerbeischaH'ung of meteorite material, parties interested, oils' cnllich
> our warmest thanks uus, but especially the Pastor E. Mick joke Pillistfer,
> President of the Baltic Domainenhofs, Knight C. v. Kiel, Excellency, and
> Mr. Ms. Schultz of Igast. - ?. - ?I ? -.
> [Table]
> V
> Description of meteorite falls and meteorites from Pillistfer, Busenhof
> UUD Igast.
> ? ? A i 'rill ? "'
> I. The meteorites of Pillistfer in Livonia,
> gcf "U" D 1863, August 8, Jali 27, NachfritUga Wl / i | Clock (nW K * d *
> o ?d Tb I and II, Figure 1-3.)
> The scene of a meteorite Phenomens expands on those space where the
> meteorite material seen in flight, where caused by the same
> Luftersch?tteruog was questioned and where it came to earth.
> Two miles northwest of the town Walk in Latvian. Tbeile Livlaods on which
> to lock it in there respective Awohting Moor namely in 43 ? 28 '0 L. v. F.
> and 579 50 '30 "N. Br.5), observed in 1863, on 8 August (July 27)
> afternoon, 12' / - * clock, the, owner of the said goods, Edward Walter
> and his cousin, Henry, the following phenomenon. E. saw v. W., as NNE-tion
> of his obenanpegebeneu positions in c. 30 ? height above the horizon, with
> an otherwise clear sky, from the edge of a white cloud, two meteors of
> bluish-white light, and the size of ordinary ("1" / * "-2" diameter owning
> "), at night visible meteors in 3-4 foot apparent distance from each other
> and through a light strips connected to each other in a little from the
> right to down fell the left inclined direction. Mittlem reputation 'is
> there fall two meteorites, he turned to his cousin, who compared the
> meteors with two weisseq pigeons. After the impression that the light
> phenomenon had made, E.
> believed by W. that two meteorites had fallen on Jn?rdlichen end of of
> SSW-NNE passing two versts expansion owning Moors. The news of the EVENT
> and a futile Suevi for meteorites was two days later, known by relatives
> E. v. W's., In Dorpat.
> After Aerlauf other two days spread in Dorpat the rumor, whether the
> pastorate Pillistfer in the Estonian part of Livonia, di in Felliner
> circles casually 1) Miles NW-tion of Tartu, on the same day and the same
> hour, as with discretion, stones fallen from the sky. Soon after, met at
> secondary school inspector C. Mick joke, one with the first image recorded
> for parking and site reports and the fifth-A. Mick joke in Kurla pitcher,
> 3 versts from Pillistfer, discovered meteorites. Attached to it is not far
> from Kurla pitcher in the Gesinden (farmhouses) Wahhe and Aukoma Castles
> fallen meteorites, with reports of Pastor E. Mick joke. A preliminary
> communication of about EVENT took place in the weekly "Inlandu and Dorpat
> Tagesblalt6). Finally visited and examined the author of those
> communications of the Fallst?ttc the Pillistfer meteorites and arrived on
> this occasion by Mr. Arrendator Zwiebelberg to a fourth, also in
> Pillistfer-parish and almost
> simultaneously with the other, came to earth in the household Sawiauk
> meteorites.
> The scene of that had taken place in Pillistfer-parish and named after the
> same meteorite case is a flat, from N to S allm?hlig to Wirzjerw Lake
> Descending level, the Good Cabbal 280 ', the pastorate Pillistfer 215'
> undbeim Good Wolmarshof 140 'above the sea ??level
> Its surface consists of a few powerful, 6'-7 'strong, only here and there
> a couple of 100 paces long, up to 20' high NW-SE or NE-SW trending gravel
> and sand hills dotted Quaternary cover. The substrate forms a
> miltelsilurischer, pebble-rich, galena leading rare days continuous
> dolomite with Pentamerus boreaHs Eichw.7). According to our conditions,
> the Baltic area is quite populated and heavily cultivated, arable, meadow,
> pasture and scrub alternate with each other, a wide, open view is rarely
> interrupted by woods.
> This is where you to, in regard to the number of outdoor befindlicher
> observers extremely favorable Tagesund season, ie at noon Erndtetages a
> fall eight meteorites saw or heard. Was This phenomenon occurred in 1863,
> on 8 Friday (July 27) afternoon, 12 '/ 2 clock inclement weather, 8 ? -10
> ? R heat, NWWind and individual, thick, heavy, quickly scurrying clouds
> only now and then allowed the sun's rays through, and in the here and
> there throughout the morning rain sent dash 8). Of the event include two
> points: the servants Aukoma and Kurla pitcher to areas of private goods
> Cabbal, the other, namely the servants pollen ikko, Wahhe, Takki, Sawiauk
> and K?nno to Kronsgute Wolmarshof.
> We begin with a description of the points made at the individual case and
> the four observations found during Aukoma, Kurla, Wahhe and Sawiauk
> meteorites, then go through the places where explosions were heard and
> finally put the whole picture together an EVENT.
> 1) The Aukoma meteorite.
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> [meteorite-list] Pillistfer ... 150 years ago
> karmaka Thu, 08 Aug 2013 01:33:17 -0700
> Pillistfer, Estonia ... 150 years ago
> http://books.google.de/books?id=RY8rAAAAcAAJ&lpg=PA433&ots=Kj_4a-YIht&dq=Pillistfer%20Haus%20meteorit&hl=de&pg=PA425#v=onepage&q&f=false
> (in German) Source: Archiv f?r die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehst- und Kurlands,
> Band 3 (1864) Best regards
> Martin ----------------------------------------------------------------
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