[meteorite-list] Pillistfer ... 150 years ago ... Google English Translation

From: Shawn Alan <photophlow_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 2013 12:35:50 -0700 (PDT)
Message-ID: <1376076950.35593.YahooMailNeo_at_web162606.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>

Hello Martin and Listers

Great link Martin on the historic Hammer Fall & first ?EL/EH?meteorite fall?:)

I wish I new German, but thank god for Google :)

But I don't know if they got the translation right, so if that
are any listers with great German skill please chime in
on the translation of the article on Pillistfer Hammer Fall

Down below is the Google translation

Shawn Alan
IMCA 1633
ebay store

Google Translation
He's lightning stone (Piksekiwwi) soon come down with the lightning, soon arise as a result of the flash beam into the earth. This confused perception is but at least an unbiased observation of meteor Phenomens and the flash tube formation is based. Sic is therefore by no means so striking as the long, up to the beginning of our century-long Abl?ugnen the existence of air or Ilimmelssleinen by scholars Germanic tribe, and this Abl?ugnen appropriate, based on a "Physiea sacrau executed investigation of the physical nature of those , down toppled by the enraged deity from their lofty seats and fallen, rebellious, nineteen foot long giant angel 4). Even if the mistake of the Estonians and Latvians still, would be greater than he is, he must at least appear very excusable. Because of the level of education of these V?lkerst?mmc has not yet extended beyond the preservation of homonymous, continuing planted by the word up to the present word. And it is
 these legends seem to have done by mixing truth and fiction proper idea of ??certainly not too frequent Meteorilen-phenomenon sacrificing. Or should not the Latvians "Wella Sauja" db one thrown down by devils in flight llandvolls stones and in the Estonian Kallewipoeg (Giant's son), over large land and water surfaces, cast stone pedestals, except a knowledge of the erratic Phenomens underground rock pieces also ? linger that of the wanderings cosmi shear walking blocks When finally Estonians and Latvians still some, of the lower Silurian formation of Estonia that were found, peculiarly shaped liver gravel - Keep attachment for lightning stones and both ascribe to them, as eng Meteorite healing power, thus saith also that fact that the mentioned must have been known to the nations of the smell of the most falling meteorites (Chondrile) before the same smell of sulfur gravels this gave rise, the latter thrown together with the meteor and leave no
 matter descent or origin.

1863 it was reserved to provide our provinces rich meteorite material. Was of two cases of under conditions. For observation of non-luminous, last orbital motion of the meteorites, can be described as rare favorable Apart from the cases of Pillistfer in Livonia and Buschhof in Courland, but could also have a third come from Igast in Livonia, in 1855 for treatment in the following pages. It is not unlikely that he acquaints us with the contents of "inert detonirenden fireball known: in any case, it is characterized by one of its kind only dastehendes material.

The description of each meteorite falls and meteorites follows in conclusion, a general view of the whole Phenomens. She led us by the hand of careful, close observations and directer attempts finally also to discuss the problematic partly of Meteoritenpbenomens. Here we faded the usual solid ground under their feet and confess we adit through the pickling exerted by the meteorites as only the globe from its cosmi between ambient sent mineral samples to have been driven into a wide field of hypotheses, where, incidentally, after the current location of the knowledge of the origin of meteorites, the familiar words of our poet apply in full:

How hard are not to acquire the funds,

Through which you STCI to Oiiellen. ?I?

And ch * we reached the half way

Must be a poor devil die! In an appendix the liver perspective iin mineralogical cabinet of the University Dorpnt and some, located in andem collections of the Baltic provinces meteorites was laid down.

. Finally, we speak to all who are in the promotion of meteorites cases described kenulniss our, in the following pages, either through their own observations or through Eiusanimeln of. Messages or by offering and HerbeischaH'ung of meteorite material, parties interested, oils' cnllich our warmest thanks uus, but especially the Pastor E. Mick joke Pillistfer, President of the Baltic Domainenhofs, Knight C. v. Kiel, Excellency, and Mr. Ms. Schultz of Igast. - ?. - ?I ? -.



Description of meteorite falls and meteorites from Pillistfer, Busenhof UUD Igast.

? ? A i 'rill ? "'

I. The meteorites of Pillistfer in Livonia,

gcf "U" D 1863, August 8, Jali 27, NachfritUga Wl / i | Clock (nW K * d * o ?d Tb I and II, Figure 1-3.)

The scene of a meteorite Phenomens expands on those space where the meteorite material seen in flight, where caused by the same Luftersch?tteruog was questioned and where it came to earth.

Two miles northwest of the town Walk in Latvian. Tbeile Livlaods on which to lock it in there respective Awohting Moor namely in 43 ? 28 '0 L. v. F. and 579 50 '30 "N. Br.5), observed in 1863, on 8 August (July 27) afternoon, 12' / - * clock, the, owner of the said goods, Edward Walter and his cousin, Henry, the following phenomenon. E. saw v. W., as NNE-tion of his obenanpegebeneu positions in c. 30 ? height above the horizon, with an otherwise clear sky, from the edge of a white cloud, two meteors of bluish-white light, and the size of ordinary ("1" / * "-2" diameter owning "), at night visible meteors in 3-4 foot apparent distance from each other and through a light strips connected to each other in a little from the right to down fell the left inclined direction. Mittlem reputation 'is there fall two meteorites, he turned to his cousin, who compared the meteors with two weisseq pigeons. After the impression that the light phenomenon had made, E.
 believed by W. that two meteorites had fallen on Jn?rdlichen end of of SSW-NNE passing two versts expansion owning Moors. The news of the EVENT and a futile Suevi for meteorites was two days later, known by relatives E. v. W's., In Dorpat.

After Aerlauf other two days spread in Dorpat the rumor, whether the pastorate Pillistfer in the Estonian part of Livonia, di in Felliner circles casually 1) Miles NW-tion of Tartu, on the same day and the same hour, as with discretion, stones fallen from the sky. Soon after, met at secondary school inspector C. Mick joke, one with the first image recorded for parking and site reports and the fifth-A. Mick joke in Kurla pitcher, 3 versts from Pillistfer, discovered meteorites. Attached to it is not far from Kurla pitcher in the Gesinden (farmhouses) Wahhe and Aukoma Castles fallen meteorites, with reports of Pastor E. Mick joke. A preliminary communication of about EVENT took place in the weekly "Inlandu and Dorpat Tagesblalt6). Finally visited and examined the author of those communications of the Fallst?ttc the Pillistfer meteorites and arrived on this occasion by Mr. Arrendator Zwiebelberg to a fourth, also in Pillistfer-parish and almost
 simultaneously with the other, came to earth in the household Sawiauk meteorites.

The scene of that had taken place in Pillistfer-parish and named after the same meteorite case is a flat, from N to S allm?hlig to Wirzjerw Lake Descending level, the Good Cabbal 280 ', the pastorate Pillistfer 215' undbeim Good Wolmarshof 140 'above the sea ??level

Its surface consists of a few powerful, 6'-7 'strong, only here and there a couple of 100 paces long, up to 20' high NW-SE or NE-SW trending gravel and sand hills dotted Quaternary cover. The substrate forms a miltelsilurischer, pebble-rich, galena leading rare days continuous dolomite with Pentamerus boreaHs Eichw.7). According to our conditions, the Baltic area is quite populated and heavily cultivated, arable, meadow, pasture and scrub alternate with each other, a wide, open view is rarely interrupted by woods.

This is where you to, in regard to the number of outdoor befindlicher observers extremely favorable Tagesund season, ie at noon Erndtetages a fall eight meteorites saw or heard. Was This phenomenon occurred in 1863, on 8 Friday (July 27) afternoon, 12 '/ 2 clock inclement weather, 8 ? -10 ? R heat, NWWind and individual, thick, heavy, quickly scurrying clouds only now and then allowed the sun's rays through, and in the here and there throughout the morning rain sent dash 8). Of the event include two points: the servants Aukoma and Kurla pitcher to areas of private goods Cabbal, the other, namely the servants pollen ikko, Wahhe, Takki, Sawiauk and K?nno to Kronsgute Wolmarshof.

We begin with a description of the points made at the individual case and the four observations found during Aukoma, Kurla, Wahhe and Sawiauk meteorites, then go through the places where explosions were heard and finally put the whole picture together an EVENT.

1) The Aukoma meteorite.
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[meteorite-list] Pillistfer ... 150 years ago
karmaka Thu, 08 Aug 2013 01:33:17 -0700

Pillistfer, Estonia ... 150 years ago http://books.google.de/books?id=RY8rAAAAcAAJ&lpg=PA433&ots=Kj_4a-YIht&dq=Pillistfer%20Haus%20meteorit&hl=de&pg=PA425#v=onepage&q&f=false
(in German) Source: Archiv f?r die Naturkunde Liv-, Ehst- und Kurlands, Band 3 (1864) Best regards Martin ----------------------------------------------------------------
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