[meteorite-list] AD - Dunitic diogenite NWA 2968 and JAH 626 melted eucrite full slices
From: Fabien Kuntz <wwmeteorites_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 14:13:21 +0100 (BST) Message-ID: <1376140401.48548.YahooMailNeo_at_web172601.mail.ir2.yahoo.com> Hello, reading this artricle about DAWN, Vesta and HED : http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EPSC2012/EPSC2012-82-1.pdf I decided to put on my website two full slices of the eucrite Jiddat al Harasis 626 and my last specimens of the dunitic diogenite NWA 2968. NWA 2968 is massive olivine-rich rock of very large grain size (17 to >25 mm), found as many rectangular/blocky specimens in 2004. In most of cases these specimens are multicentimetric single olivine crystals, and because linear compression and shear fractures subparallel to one of the extinction directions in olivine, the exterior looks very shiny, seen with the correct angle. Like primitive achondrites brachinites and martian meteorites chassinites, NWA 2968 is composed >95% of olivine, and is a dunitic diogenite according the new largely adopted diogenite classification system - Beck and McSween (2010), Wittke et al. (2011). For the exemple, you can see pictures of thin sections made on the specimens for sale : http://www.wwmeteorites.com/Ventes/NWA%202968%20classic.jpg http://www.wwmeteorites.com/Ventes/NWA%202968%20disrupted%20with%20veins.jpg All the three last specimens I have can be found here. Last sale, low price : http://www.wwmeteorites.com/Ventes/NWA2968.html Jiddat al Harasis 626 is a polymict breccia composed of both basaltic eucrite and cumulate eucrite. Clasts in this largely melted zircon-bearing eucrite represents very different part of the asteroid Vesta surface, from deep eucritic cumulate to surface rocks. Acoording the study, the spectral reflectance mesurment of JaH 626 (to be compared to DAWN spacecrat data) as for? NWA 2968??plot well??outside??the??traditional??HED??field (Beck,??P.??et??al.??(2011) Icarus,??216, 560-571)? : http://origin-ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0019103513000444-gr4.jpg The??spectral??properties??of??these??"anomalous"??HEDs are??consistent??with??expectations,??and??indicate??that much??more??spectral??(and??compositional)??diversity may??be??found??on??the??surface??of??Vesta than??expected from "traditional" HEDs. So I just produced two compltete slices on the main mass, now on the JAH 626 pages with the smaller ones : http://www.wwmeteorites.com/Ventes/JAH626.html Regards, Fabien Fabien Kuntz M?t?orites (ventes, expertise, conf?rences) Animation scientifique et technique WWMETEORITES (Siret : 511 850 612 00017) www.wwmeteorites.com? Received on Sat 10 Aug 2013 09:13:21 AM PDT |
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