[meteorite-list] House-AD: Gan Gan is gan, eh: gone (Consolidation iron?)
From: Martin Altmann <altmann_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 17:38:03 +0200 Message-ID: <004601ce45b8$b6f71c30$24e55490$_at_de> Hello again, short update: Don't be sad - the early bird ate already the Gan Gan. Many thanks! Perhaps, to console you, we should remind you on a no less excellent iron specimen in the same price category, which has missed your attention, cause it was covered by Ukrainian cosmic debris. The Whitecourt, where one could state similar things like about the Gan Gan, because wandering around in the EoM/Bulletin Database and on the sales sites, one hardly finds a similar fine specimen. Difference to Gan Gan is, that we priced it under-average. Here it was: With frayed and folded edges plus also some tear-lines left. http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/Whitecourt_131_43_g_02.JPG http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/Whitecourt_131_43_g_01.JPG other side is a smooth bulge: http://www.meteoritenhaus.de/img/Whitecourt_131_43_g_05.JPG 131.43g 6.5$/g instead of the 9$-standard. Premium-Piece, isn't it? Such a shrapnel, As Sikhote you would say: Ugly. As Gebel Kamil: well, o.k..... But as Whitecourt: WOW, stunner !!! Enjoy it too! Meteorite House Crew PS: Most recent abstract about: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2013/pdf/2316.pdf Received on Tue 30 Apr 2013 11:38:03 AM PDT |
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