[meteorite-list] AD: BCMETEORITES.COM Grand Opening - Week Long, Site Wide Sale!
From: sales at bcmeteorites.com <sales_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2013 16:43:17 -0700 Message-ID: <20130414164317.4f595dbd1acd6dbffa1cb7dc1679e7f7.4a12c23727.wbe_at_email14.secureserver.net> Hello Everyone! It is my pleasure to announce the official online opening of BC Meteorites www.bcmeteorites.com Many recently classified meteorites including the following: NWA 7651 - Eucrite-cm One of the most visually stunning meteorites I have ever seen. Described as a mosaic of white plagioclase and green-brown pyroxene crystals, with glossy, jet black crust! High polish finish - A MUST SEE http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=56723 NWA 7657 - Mesosiderite An absolutely gorgeous new mesosiderite. Fresh metal and silicate, some areas of crust, areas of translucent olivine. Mirror finish - BIG SLICES! http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=56727 NWA 7686 - Ureilite Beautiful material. Offering HUGE full slices, with a glossy mirror finish. These are among the largest ureilite slices ever offered. http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=57141 NWA 7615 - CK6 A very rare carbonaceous chondrite. Large full slices with crust! http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php?code=56646 In addition: UNCLASSIFIED ACHONDRITES! MUSEUM QUALITY CHONDRITES! SCULPTED TAZA! Check back often, as I will be adding new meteorites daily all this week! ---------------------- ****SITE-WIDE SALE**** APRIL 14th, 2013 - APRIL 21st, 2013 10% OFF + FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE ---------------------- ALSO, over 120+ items on eBay, most with a "buy it now" option. Many rare and historic witnessed falls, go take a look! www.stores.ebay.com/bcmeteorites *Note: Discount and shipping offer do not apply to purchases made on eBay.* Thank you again for everyone who came by the BC Meteorites room in Tucson this year to say hello. Was great to see so many of you. Enjoy! Best Regards, Adam Bates IMCA #3213 BC Meteorites www.bcmeteorites.com Received on Sun 14 Apr 2013 07:43:17 PM PDT |
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