[meteorite-list] Chelyabinsk purchase

From: valparint at aol.com <valparint_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2013 09:11:03 -0700
Message-ID: <94F2DC11789C40DB93DA9A41F674A8FD_at_Seuthopolis>

What does it mean when one puts a "smiley" after a slander?

Paul Swartz

p.s. Yes, I know it's actually libel, but slander is the better known term. They are equally vicious.

> From: Michael Farmer (mike at meteoriteguy.com)
> Count Diero,
> I wouldn't sell to you if you offered me double. There would be some scam involved:)
Received on Sat 06 Apr 2013 12:11:03 PM PDT

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