[meteorite-list] How is the Denver Rock show going?

From: almitt2 at localnet.com <almitt2_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 03:26:10 -0400
Message-ID: <20120919032610.xof5j9w2spssg4kg_at_webmail.localnet.com>

Hi Shawn and all,

The Denver Show ran from September 10th (roughly) to September 16th. I
attended for a few days. Blaine Reed's room was central to all the
meteorite collectors and dealers for the most part. Blaine always has a
nice display as well as good prices on items. A number of dealer
consign items at Blaines room.

Thursday night Geoff Notkin, Marlin Clilz, Blaine Reed, Mike Martinz a
few others and myself sat down by the pool and smoked cigars and talked
for a couple of hours. Much beer was consumed.

Friday was the get together of the Comets and bidding on meteorite
items. I didn't attend but can offer some notes on what I heard. Lots
of fun and a few bargins at the bidding. My understanding is there was
one item offered involving a course on learning a language.

There were multipal rooms offer meteorite specimens of various kinds in
the Ramada (formally the Holiday Inn). Always a lot of nice NWA's,
Campos and other meteorite types. The Merchandise Mart was home to
Rubin Garcia Selling many fine specimens. He seem to have a crowd the
whole time I was there looking and as I passed by to leave. The
wholesale area usually has a couple of meteorite dealers as well.

Denver Show size is not what it use to be. After the attacks on 9 11
the attendance shrank and hasn't been the same since. Denver is always
worth attending and helps you get through until the Tucson Show.

Sorry for the miss spelled names but just wanted to make a quick comment.

All my best!

--AL Mitterling

Quoting Shawn Alan <photophlow at yahoo.com>:

> Hello Listers,
> With NV in fool swing with the Battle Mountain fall and other parts
> of the world being blessed by the Meteorite Gods, I was wondering how
> is the Denver Rock Show going and if any Listers have taken any
> photos of some of Dealers collections? I was hoping to go back home
> in Colorado around this time, but it wasn't happening, so all I can
> do is read and look at others Listers experiences at the Denver show,
> which I have to add is fun, I was able to go out to the show a couple
> years ago, and I seems that its getting bigger with more meteorite
> dealers :)
> Shawn Alan
Received on Wed 19 Sep 2012 03:26:10 AM PDT

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