[meteorite-list] Fireballs Explode over Russia (Video)

From: MstrEman <mstreman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 12:37:24 -0400
Message-ID: <CAPwdm9EEVQeo+mKie31rTXKO-3=5_jX6UiWt3TFKqg0b=LMh7g_at_mail.gmail.com>

It is failry good for homemade special effects but: bogus bogus bogus.

The mental midgets in the MUFON and End of Time2012 groups are abuzz
with giddy little digital back slaps because they finally have video
"proof" about aliens (rolling eyes) that no one can refute. Well gosh
 refute this.....

The trajectory into and out of the clouds along with the time of
reappearance are mis-matched: The apparent speed of the fireball
would speed up --not slow down. The fireball would have had to stop
and pause behind the clouds in this clip.

Did the fireballs "turn off" while behind the clouds? Why do we not
see the illuminatiion of/through the clouds.

Why did the fireballs take a "J" turn away from the photographers
point of view? ETc ETc.


On 7/29/12, Chris Peterson <clp at alumni.caltech.edu> wrote:
> Assuming it's not doctored video, I'd say this is space debris. There's
> nothing to suggest it gets close to the ground. Meteors stop being
> luminous while still many kilometers high, unless they are crater
> producers... and we would have heard about that!
> Chris
> *******************************
> Chris L Peterson
> Cloudbait Observatory
> http://www.cloudbait.com
> On 7/29/2012 11:19 AM, Shawn Alan wrote:
>> Hello Listers,
>> With all the meteor sightings and you tube videos happening more and more,
>> here is another video to add to the list :). I am not sure what to say
>> about the video, but I have to say its cool to watch. Down below is the
>> introduction to the article and the link to the website with the video,
>> enjoy.
>> An amazing
>> video on YouTube shows streaking fireballs bursting through the atmosphere
>> and
>> striking the ground somewhere in Russia.
>> The video,
>> designated as a UFO sighting by the channel owner, includes the rarest of
>> moments, when an apparent meteor becomes a meteorite by actually striking
>> the
>> Earth.
>> Two amazed
>> Russians, in the right place, at the right time and armed with a good
>> video
>> camera, stand in awe as the streaking fireballs appear in the morning sky
>> and
>> plummet through the atmosphere.
>> http://news.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474981503412
>> Shawn Alan
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Received on Mon 30 Jul 2012 12:37:24 PM PDT

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