[meteorite-list] FW: Funding cuts threaten work of Australian astronomer McNaught

From: Clemens Unger <clemens.unger_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2012 01:11:55 +1030
Message-ID: <BLU161-W27E3B2EDAF3E5152E23000F5D60_at_phx.gbl>

Hi Jim...

You got this wrong...no political angle at all...I fully agree with you. NASA shouldn't have to pay for the Australian leg
of the project. And I appreciate that NASA funded Rob's work so far anyway which is very laudable. I am in fact disappointed
that the Australian Government is so reluctant to properly support this project which is (and I think you would agree) has
global importance. So I should have been maybe a bit more precise...


Hello Clemens!
I think commenting on this can become
political really quick. ?However, I think the vast majority of the
American People are sick and tired of our Federal Government giving away
 money to foreign interests? ?Money the USA DOES NOT HAVE to give away!
?My comment is not pointed to any specific project and is meant as a
general comment on the condition of the USA.

On Fri, Jul 13, 2012 at 6:02 PM, Clemens Unger <clemens.unger at hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi Everyone...

As we all know, times are though and money is tight everywhere. It is just a shame to hear

that NASA has cut funding to the work Rob McNaught does at Siding Spring and the ANU in

Canberra and the Australian Government is hesitant to pick up the rather small bill.


After having seen the short video report and the state of Robs gear one can only wonder.

On the other side, Rob is really on of those guys that do an amazing job and hardly make

the headlines.

If I had the funds I'd pay for it...

Cheers from down under

Clemens Unger

Mornington, Australia


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Jim Wooddelljimwooddell at gmail.com928-247-2675 		 	   		  
Received on Sat 14 Jul 2012 10:41:55 AM PDT

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