[meteorite-list] Available Now! "The Global Meteorite Price Report - 2013" + our next great legend - "The Rise of the Raj and the Fall of Shergotty" (ad)
From: Michael Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 14:04:45 -0800 Message-ID: <CCF8CB7D.2AEC5%mlblood_at_cox.net> Kevin, Can't wait to see them both. However, when I try to look Up " Kevin Kichinka" I get "Not Found." Can't you just tell us the email to use to PayPal you the $15? RSVP Michael On 12/20/12 5:18 AM, "Met. Kevin Kachinka" <marsrox at gmail.com> wrote: > Team Meteorite: > > *Ordering info is located at the end of this message.* > > Since 1995 I have collected data estimating the value of each > meteorite in my personal collection. Unlike coins, stamps and used > cars, there is no worldly source available to review current > individual meteorite prices. My surveys became a true?snapshot? of > each year?s market prices. > > I realized that this information might interest other collectors and > dealers. With a current meteorite price report in hand, every > collector could get a fair idea of the value of his/hers holdings. > Dealers could compare their sale prices with competitors. Anyone > considering the purchase of a specimen could instantly realize whether > the asking price is reasonable. > > My first effort, the 2005 ?Global Meteorite Price Report? was limited > to the eight-five meteorites within my collection and was > well-received. > > In 2008, to better serve the meteorite community I expanded the report > to 121 different meteorites (plus a few of their permutations). > > The 2010 survey grew to 185 meteorites. > > For the 2013 rendition I have sampled the prices of 241 meteorites, > nearly triple the number first surveyed in 2005! > > Included in this report are all prior year's pricing history - July, > 2005, February, 2007, September, 2008 and December, 2010. The number > of meteorite dealers offering each meteorite that year also remains, > data that beautifully helps anyone spot price trends and judge > availability. With your 2013 price report one can follow any > meteorites' price and availability trend since 2005! > > Here's an example (there are five prices and dealer counts, one for > each indicated year. I hope it translates from my keyboard to the > m-list) : > > July, 2005 Feb, 2007 > Sept, 2008 Dec, 2010 Dec, 2012 > > Allende CV3.2 8.10 (14) 11.05 (21) 11.65 (23) > 13.56 (14) 16.54 (11) +22% > > For the first time I am including a number of NWA's of all classes, > not just planetary and lunar. I conclude the report with my "State of > the Market" analysis and interpretation of marketing trends apparent > in the data. Trust that you will be surprised. > > While I request a small payment for the Global Meteorite Price Report, > I continue to offer this work because it fills a need in the hobby. >> From the ever-increasing number of repeat purchasers, it's clear that > I am successfully filling this void. > > Under the category of 'nothing worthwhile is easy', while attempting > to re-format my working 'Word doc' to an 'Adobe pdf. file', I learned > my account with Adobe was not assessable from Costa Rica. Paul Harris > volunteered and accomplished this work. For those new to the hobby, > Paul's ground-breaking use of the internet to bring meteorites to the > world over the digital interface puts him on the pantheon of the > all-time leaders in our hobby/discipline. He is a quiet, always upbeat > professional and family man who never seeks attention for his good > works. Gracias por todo, don Paul. > > To keep this thirteen-page report as affordable as possible, I will > maintain the price at $15, same as it has always been, while hoping > purchasers will honor me and the time necessary to compile and > interpret the data by not re-transmitting the file to others. Keep it > your 'secret weapon' :>) > > And as a very special gift to purchasers, included with your price > report will be a second attached file, my unedited, richly illustrated > meteorite-history feature, "The Rise of the Raj and the Fall of > Shergotty". > > I am only the privileged messenger revealing this incredible story, > the previously unknown circumstances of the fall of Mars' meteorite > Shergotty 147 years ago. > > Why should you care? Shergotty is the namesake for the vast majority > of Martian NWA meteorites. It is the only Mars meteorite with a > discovered twin still resting on the surface of Mars. The fall is an > incredible story that kept me digging in British Museum archives for > several years, a puzzle to assemble while still searching for missing > pieces. > > As Meteorite magazine subscribers know, and from my July m-list > messages to this august group, the replacement publisher of this > journal for which I had written since 1996 rejected this latest > contribution to meteorite lore - "too long, some readers may find it > offensive". > > Read it now and judge for yourself. > > We will travel back to the times of the Raj in India, learn about > Nevil Story-Maskelyne's relentless efforts to grow the British > National Collection, thrill to tales of war and opium, only to be > suddenly transported on a side trip to Mars. > > Meteorites Parnalee LL3.6, Dharamsala LL6, Akbarpur H4, Gopalpur H6, > Maddur L5, Pulsora H5, Bustee AUB, eucrites Stannern/Juvinas/Jonzac > and Murchison CM2 will make guest appearances on a stage stretching > from Calcutta to London to Meridiani Planum near the Martian equator. > > The tale of Shergotty will make for a memorable winter's night reading > in front of a fireplace while outside, falling snowflakes quietly > create a soft, white strewn field. Pair this great adventure with a > little Bailey's in the hot chocolate to warm your tummy. > > "The Rise of the Raj and the Fall of Shergotty" was edited by > Meteorite magazine's founder and my co-conspirator Joel Schiff and is > brilliantly illustrated by my dear friend Dorothy Norton. This > soon-to-be-legendary part of meteorite history- perhaps second only to > the story of the fall of Nakhla- will be included free with your > Global Meteorite Price Report purchase, both transmitted > simultaneously as pdf.Adobe doc attachments to an email. A lot of love > went into these projects. I suggest you print them out in color for > your purest reading pleasure. > > Pay $15 for "The Global Meteorite Price Report - 2013" and receive > "The Rise of the Raj and the Fall of Shergotty" here...... > > www.Paypal.com, search "Kevin Kichinka". > > I'll have them in your mailbox within 24 hours. > > Next up another surprise for the Holidays ........ > > > > > > > > > > > > While I wish you to keep the price report close to your vest, feel > generous in passing around the wonderful story of the fall of > Shergotty. > ______________________________________________ > > Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list Received on Thu 20 Dec 2012 05:04:45 PM PST |
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