[meteorite-list] Smallest Meteorite

From: Jeff Grossman <jngrossman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2012 20:36:31 -0500
Message-ID: <50C1481F.6030104_at_gmail.com>

There are several other very small meteorites...

Khatyrka, announced in June. Although it is listed as 0.1 g in the MB
database, if you read the text, you see that there are only 10
particles, all < 1 mm. These could well have an actual cumulative mass
of <10 mg.

Hadley Rille: a named meteorite found in lunar soil from Apollo 15,
estimated mass 3 mg.

Bench Crater, another Moonish meteorite. I don't know what it might
have weighed, but maybe over 10 mg. Alan may know.


On 12/6/2012 10:56 AM, Adam Hupe wrote:
> Here is what I have been able to summarize:
> Smallest find: Yamato 8333 10mg provided there are no pairings
> Smallest TKW for a witnessed fall: Revelstoke ~1 gram
> Smallest completely crusted individual from a witnessed fall: Bensour ~48mg
> Take Care,
> Adam
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Received on Thu 06 Dec 2012 08:36:31 PM PST

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