[meteorite-list] Bigfoot and the "Nakhla Dog" - what do they havein common?
From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks <meteoritemike_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun, 22 May 2011 21:43:26 -0400 Message-ID: <BANLkTikMSx8s-v1XkjGcU5cZeWpAPAWVfQ_at_mail.gmail.com> Hi Al, I'm sorry if I offended you or anyone else on the list. I was just trying to make some humor, albeit in a poor manner apparently. For the record, I am not anti-religious. I am a deeply spiritual person, but not in the usual mainstream manner. I have compassion for my fellow man and all living things on this Earth and a deep respect for nature. What I don't like is insane old charlatans making statements designed to create chaos and generate publicity and revenue. Imagine the children in this situation. Mom and Dad suddenly go off the deep end listening to this self-proclaimed messenger of God. They sell off the house, quit their jobs, and drag the kids across the country in a mini-van with the word "Rapture" plastered all over it. At the end of the day, the child is now homeless and his parents have no means to properly care for him. That is child abuse and the old man who announced this "prophecy" should be brought up on criminal charges or hit with a civil suit. One cannot yell "Fire!" in a crowded theatre, and one should not be allowed to maliciously disrupt the lives of countless families to the detriment of the children involved. I don't feel sorry for the gullible sheeple adults who fell for this nonsense, but their kids have no say in it. I have a problem with BS and I have never been afraid to call BS when I see it. The God of Moses will send the messiah like a thief in the night and none shall know the day of his arrival. I have read 3 translations of the Bible (also the Apocrypha) cover to cover, and most of the world's major holy books, including the Koran, the Bardo Thudo, the Bhagavad Gita, Book of the Mormon, the Classics of Confucianism, Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Satanic Bible (a joke and insult to the mind, but I had to read it to understand it), the Tanakh and the Torah, and I could go on. In all, I have digested about 2 dozen of the world's holiest books during my spiritual search. So I am not anti-religious. I am anti-BS and this recent rapture nonsense was exactly that - malicious BS designed to attract publicity and profit. Or, it was the delusional ramblings of a self-aggrandizer who should be medicated and placed in a treatment facility. I was baptized, took communion, attended Eucharist, and meditated in a Buddhist temple. I have also attended two Witches' Sabbats. I think you get my point. I don't mean to offend, and I often stick my foot into my mouth. And when I do offend, I always apologize and mean it. I like you Al, always have. And I don't want you pissed off at me, so I hope you can forgive my attempt at humor that started this. Jesus was one cool dude, full of love, compassion, and wisdom. I wish everyone could be like him - the world would be a better place. Unfortunately, nutjobs like Harold Camping hijack the message of Jesus for profit - and people like that should be firmly rebuked, IMO. I was going to send this to you privately, but since you called me out on the list, I am replying in public. But this will be my last post on the list about this and if you want to continue the discussion in private, we can. And I want to re-iterate, my apology to you is sincere. :) Best regards, MikeG --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer) Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Galactic-Stone-Ironworks/218849894809686 News Feed - http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516 Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone EOM - http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/collection.aspx?id=1564 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 5/22/11, al mitt <almitt at kconline.com> wrote: > Mike, > > You posted twice on a subject that doesn't belong on this list. I am sure > there are people on the list who are biting their tongues right now. > Everyone has a right to believe what they want to and that includes you but > when you put such posts on a list dedicated to meteorites you are just > asking for someone to defend their believes by your post. I am sure there > are other people here who have a different belief system than you. > > I didn't post anything to the list the first time, but time to call you out > on this. Keep your anit-religious believes off this forum and just talk > meteorites and meteorite related topics so we don't get into a can of worms > here. Thank you. > > --AL Mitterling > > > ----- Original Message ----- > From: "Galactic Stone & Ironworks" <meteoritemike at gmail.com> > To: "Becky and Kirk" <bandk at chorus.net> > Cc: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> > Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 7:49 PM > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Bigfoot and the "Nakhla Dog" - what do they > havein common? > > >> All of the remaining bigfoots were raptured on saturday - they will >> never be found now. >> >> Also, sales of all bigfoot-related material is hereby suspended until >> further notice. ;) >> >> Best regards, >> >> MikeG >> >> -- >> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer) >> >> Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com >> Facebook - >> http://www.facebook.com/pages/Galactic-Stone-Ironworks/218849894809686 >> News Feed - http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516 >> Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone >> EOM - http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/collection.aspx?id=1564 >> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> >> On 5/22/11, Becky and Kirk <bandk at chorus.net> wrote: >>> I indeed have heard stories about Semi-drivers who HAVE occasionally hit >>> a >>> Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest. >>> >>> The one particular tale I heard 2nd-hand was from man who talked to a >>> driver >>> who said he hit & killed one in Colorado many years ago. He said he was >>> detained for a bit by a special group of police, while another group >>> cleaned >>> his truck of all evidence of his "fatal encounter" with Bigfoot. >>> >>> Who knows?? >>> >>> Kirk.....:-) >>> >>> ----- Original Message ----- >>> From: "Kevin Kichinka" <marsrox at gmail.com> >>> To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> >>> Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2011 6:33 PM >>> Subject: [meteorite-list] Bigfoot and the "Nakhla Dog" - what do they >>> havein >>> common? >>> >>> >>>> Team Meteorite: >>>> >>>> While I am pursuing other projects now and can't take the time to >>>> again pursue/review or explain my peer-reviewed and published "thesis" >>>> (see David Weir "Meteorite Studies" and Nakhla) that absolves the >>>> Nakhla meteorite of "dogocide", one argument that was made in support >>>> of this crime against canines was that I "couldn't prove it DIDN'T >>>> HAPPEN." >>>> >>>> >>>> Never mind that no one recovered a bloody meteorite or a dead dog >>>> allegedly killed on the wrong day at the wrong place. >>>> >>>> >>>> Science and logic are brothers in arms. My brief, college-time >>>> exposure to "debate" (as a competition), taught me that if one argued >>>> this double negative, "by rule" you lost the debate. Something about >>>> being logical... >>>> >>>> >>>> Just for fun, I bring this up as I read on Yahoo about the world's >>>> "Top Ten unexplained things". Here's a quote from the article, please >>>> pay special attention to the last sentence: >>>> >>>> >>>> "For decades, large, hairy, manlike beasts called Bigfoot have >>>> occasionally been reported by eyewitnesses across America. Despite the >>>> thousands of Bigfoot that must exist for a breeding population, not a >>>> single body has been found. Not one has been killed by a hunter, >>>> struck dead by a speeding car, or even died of natural causes. In the >>>> absence of hard evidence like teeth or bones, support comes down to >>>> eyewitness sightings and ambiguous photos and films. Since it is >>>> logically impossible to prove a universal negative, science will never >>>> be able to prove that creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster >>>> do not exist, and it is possible that these mysterious beasts lurk far >>>> from prying eyes." >>>> >>>> >>>> Very, very far indeed. >>>> >>>> >>>> Long live the Nakhla Dog. >>>> >>>> >>>> Thanks to all who sent me birthday greetings this week! >>>> >>>> >>>> Kevin Kichinka >>>> Tambor de Alajuela, Costa Rica >>>> www.theartofcollectingmeteorites.com >>>> www.LaQ-CostaRica.com >>>> ______________________________________________ >>>> Visit the Archives at >>>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>>> Meteorite-list mailing list >>>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >>> >>> ______________________________________________ >>> Visit the Archives at >>> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >>> Meteorite-list mailing list >>> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >>> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >>> >> ______________________________________________ >> Visit the Archives at >> http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html >> Meteorite-list mailing list >> Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com >> http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >> > > --Received on Sun 22 May 2011 09:43:26 PM PDT |
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