[meteorite-list] Cargo Muchacho Meteorite hunt (Bill Sajkowicz where are you?)
From: U.S. Airborne <ontheroad_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 17:05:09 -0800 Message-ID: <30BC95D412A54B928CCF2582D9C70F27_at_ScottPC> Hi to All - Just wanted to post an update from our fun winter of Meteorite hunting the deserts of the southwest. Nov we spent north by Baker & L.V. areas then quartzite. The month of Dec we hunted the Cargo Muchacho mountains, Chocolate mountain areas. Mostly I hunted desert pavement and open desert plateau with ridges that ran into steeper mountains. We also took a few day to hunt for a few of the more rare Meteorite find locations that are in this south desert location. I was following the tracks of a great hunter named Bill Sajkowicz that found all 3 of these. 1st I hunted the Cargo muchacho find. It's a CO3 with 2.86 kg and 35 pieces found. I felt with 35 stones found this would be my best chance of the 3 to find one. It was really located in a remote area of the cargo mts. It took me a good hour and 15 min to reach it from my base camp location 4 miles north on the MX border. On my 1st day I found what looked to be a military rocket motor of some sort. About 3 ft long with the looks of some sort of rocket motor. At 1st I thought it was a big 300lb bomb but after a closer look , its got a look more like some military rocket assisted motor. I also found a real large bullet that miss fired in a aircraft gun ship and discharged it into the cargo mts. The second day I found a few meteor wrongs that had the look but I just don't fill they are meteorites. Then the next rare meteorite my wife Terri & I went hunting was the Winterhaven 2.1 KG Howardite. Once again this was a real long haul in our little 4X4 Kawasaki Teryx from our base camp. Its back on the edge of the Chocolate mountains near Picacho Peak. Its quite rugged hills all through this area and all the rocks are dark brown. Within a 1/2 hr of our arrival I found a large white, light tan colored round rock. My 1st thought was someone threw this out there as a joke. I was about 1/4 mile from where the 2.1 kg mass was found by bill. This white colored rock was really out of place in this brown colored environment we were in. There was no fusion crust at all anywhere on it but the rock was not from here & I wondered how the heck it ever got here? Fly in ? Maybe the crust was all weathered off? I documented it and its location & took pics in situ. There was a big wash close to this find , Terri & I ran a detector down a long area near the found main mass area . Terri & I had a great day of hunting this howardite. Even though we never found anything much but this what I now call my naked Howardite wrong we really had a fun hunt. The next rare find that Bill Sajkowicz had located was farther northwest of our location in the Chocolate mountains up near black mountain. Terri & I once again ran all the dirt tracks in our trusty little 4X4 all the way back to this location. We hunted white quartz desert pavement areas on our way out there. Once again Bill found this in quite a remote place. On our way to this location we were hunting some open desert pavement and stumbled onto a aircraft crash site. At 1st we were finding very small torn up chunks of aircraft then they got larger as we approached the center of the impact zone. Then we spotted the cross at the very center where the impact took place. There was a Marine flag torn & tattered but still hanging from the cross. The name on the cross said Lt Col Brett ( BOO BOO ) Bekkens USMC April 21 2004. There was two partly filled shot glasses with USMC logo at the base of the cross and a empty bottle of Rum. After doing some Google research later that night I found Boo Boo was on a night mission from San Diego to Yuma. He was retired from the USMC and working as a American airline pilot but was still flying for USMC as reserve. By the looks of the impact zone BOO BOO flew his aircraft into the dirt at very high speed. He was likely contouring the earth and his aircraft nailed the edge of this wash. I was in the military & worked with jet aircraft and have seen crashed jets before . But nothing like this. When the F.A. 18 HORNET impacted it blew up into very small chucks of everything it was made of. He was headed east, so east of the center of impact area there is crash debris at least 1/2 mile out. Terri & I made it to the area where Bill located the 699 g ureilite. We hunted the area for only 3 hrs before we had to leave. So I came back a few days later & gave it 5 more hrs. I did find some strange rocks and bomb shrapnel but nothing I can say for sure is a Ureilite meteorite. I gotta say if all the locations are correct for Bills finds, well this guy is one hell of a space rock locator for sure. He got some real rare finds and he did it in some really remote areas that are not easy to hunt in. I hunted my Butt off and everywhere I went there was the same 4X4 side by side tracks running up the areas I choose to hunt. There was not one area in the lighter colored quartz rock desert pavement that was not ran over by someone. There was one day a little green rino was driving the remote mt trail and we passed each other head on. We both had a surprised look on our faces as we slid by each other. Both of our 4x4 units had meteorite hunting sticks pocking out the rear. We were both on our own missions and just gave a smile and a nod to each other. A bit later I kicked my butt for not stopping to talk with this fella as I had a inner feel it was very likely the rare bird himself Bill Sajkowicz out doing what he does so well. Terri & I had a great month playing & hunting around the Cargo Muchacho Mts. Our base camp was on one of my pilot friends 120 acres that was once the Pilot knob DWTC. It was kinda sad leaving as it stays so nice & warm around this area all winter. The desert pavement at camp was great for flying off of, So I did a bit of fun flying during our stay. For Jan we relocated to a new Meteorite base camp 10 miles SE of Parker AZ . I grabbed a hanger for my sport aircraft here at Parker airport , and have been out hunting for new finds. Flew out to Danby & checked to see if its dry yet. Then Terri & I went and spent a full day hunting it. Now Iam back hunting Desert pavement sites I located by flying that looks promising. On our was north to Parker we stopped in at Quartzsite and I picked up a nice little Mars Shergottite complete stone with fusion cut NWA 2375. Thanks Much Mohammed & ALI HMANI it was great meeting you & doing biz with you. Now I got a little of plant mars living with me. Next new project is to Fly low level over the Old Woman Mountains . I want to see if I can spot any areas in the area of the old woman find that look like it could be in impact scar, or just anything out of the ordinary. I hope to film it in HD. On Google earth just NW of the O.W find location is a BIG JET? At 1st it looked like a crashed jet. But thinking more about it I feel it's a Jet in mid air flight & Google earth took its satellite pic as it was flying. Anyone know if there is a crashed Jet NW of O.W. MTS? Trying to figure out now if we can come visit the Tucson show that's coming up quickly . It would be fun to meet yall and put faces to names If your out there Bill Sajkowicz I would love to talk with you. I will get a link to PIcs ASAP Have a great day Scott Johnson U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC Eagles Nest Airpark Sport Pilot C.F.I WSC-L WSC-S www.usairborne.com info at usairborne.com Office 509-780-0554 Cell 509-780-8377 Scott Johnson U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC Eagles Nest Airpark Sport Pilot C.F.I WSC-L WSC-S www.usairborne.com info at usairborne.com Office 509-780-0554 Cell 509-780-8377 Received on Mon 17 Jan 2011 08:05:09 PM PST |
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