[meteorite-list] Valentines day find Terri, s 1st find a big one
From: Tim Heitz <midwestmeteor_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 15:01:15 -0600 Message-ID: <E372AF5DA8FA4F3A8761FB90E53F682A_at_den> Hi Scott and Terri, Great story congratulations on your find!!!! cool stuff Cheers, Tim Heitz ----- Original Message ----- From: "U.S. Airborne" <ontheroad at usairborne.com> To: <meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 12:00 PM Subject: [meteorite-list] Valentines day find Terri,s 1st find a big one > Hi Meteorite Gang. Yesterday was my wife, Terri & I had our 22nd wedding > anniversary. 22 years ago we got Married by a Judge in Modesto CA. Then we > headed over to Reno to watch a Sammy Davis Jr Show & enjoying life. > 22 years later we found ourselves out in AZ hunting Meteorites together on > our Valentines day wedding anniversary. Life this last week has been > really really hard on both of us as our loving Bird Chopper had just > passed away totally unexpectedly. It was a huge loss as Chop, a yellow > napped Mecca has been with us for 16 loving years. After burying him on a > Mt top in the Desert & building a Rock monument for him. Then we tried to > move on with life. > > So Yesterday we went Meteorite hunting on our 22nd anniversary together. > It was a sunny & warm day & it was real good to be out hunting together on > this special day. > > I had hunted the day before up in the foothills & washes with my metal > detector and when I was setting up my detector I threw down a nice sized H > meteorite to test out my X-Terra and be sure it was all working O.K. > Well it did, but like a dummy I left my meteorite on the ground & forgot > all about it as I headed out detecting. That night when I returned back > to the motor home I realized I was missing my Meteorite throw down. Not > only did I not find any thing but I lost one so here I was at a -1 on my > finds for the day. I was a bit embarrassed so I did not tell my wife I > lost it till the next A.M. > The next morning I asked my wife if she would like to join me in > relocating my lost Meteorite. She gladly said Yes. I retraced my 4x4 > tracks to the exact location about 4 miles out where I tuned my detector > at and found my lost meteorite throw down . I felt much better now so we > hunted this area for a bit before heading back for lunch. > > After lunch Terri & I headed out for an afternoon hunt. I was back to 0 > finds but better then the -1 I was at this A.M. I pointed to a area not > far from our motor home that I wanted to hunt, it was ridges & washes so > we went slow in our little 4x4 over a few ridges. Then we stopped & hunted > in a probing circle. We traded off with the detector & meteorite cane. > After a 1/2 hr in one area > we moved over a ridge & was slowly driving our side by side 4x4 hunting as > we drove. Just as I said I see other quad tracks. My wife loudly said Oh > what a pretty orange rock, so I stopped. She jumped out before I was fully > stopped, so by the time I had set the parking brake & shut it off & got > out of the buggy she returned with it in here hands. 1st thing she said > was it sure is heavy and she handed it to me. I looked at it and my Jaw > flew open. I said Wow I think you have a big one. It was heavy , kind of > felt like 10 lbs or so. I said where was it and she pointed to the hole, > then she said there is a broken piece that is off of it to. She grabbed it > & fit the puzzle pieces together. My Jaw was still gaped open I pulled out > my loop & threw my cowboy hat onto the ground as it was shadowing the rock > from full sunlight. After looking at it I said yes its for sure a space > rock. This is when she really realized what she had found & she stared to > smile. It was a huge giggly smile, The one I was waiting to see from her > when she found her 1st meteorite. We still never took time to put a magnet > to it , so we grabbed a magnet & it had a real strong pull, then I grabbed > the detector & it also said what we already knew that this was a S.R.. I > told Terri she needs to now do all of her own documentation & pictures. We > put this large meteorite back into the hole it was found in and laid the > smaller broken off piece back where it came from also . Terri took some > pics in Situ then with GPS with rock in hole then out of hole. She also > did same with broken off smaller piece. After Terri finished up > documenting her find we took some fun pics of her holding it & putting the > puzzle pieces together. Got great pics of her happy dance also. After > pics & celebration I went to finding me a small piece of this guy . I > detected the empty hole and found one last little broken piece that > completed the main stone and the larger broken corner she had found. One > end of it looked like a loaf of bread then it tapered off 45 degrees to > the other end and it has some large thumb prints. The larger broken chunk > has nice thumb prints also. The only fusion crust that was still black was > only about 1 1/2 inches of the top. At one time the larger mass was buried > deeper in the soil. Then it was partly uncovered by floods over the years > leaving a rusty orange color visible below the black fusion crust. This > Orange color is what Terri 1st saw and why she had me stop. I waited for > this special day when I could see the Joy in Terri's Eyes when she found > that 1st space rock that flew in from the universe just for her. And it > was even more exciting and Joyous then I could of ever dreamed it would > be. It truly could not have come at a better time in our lives as we were > still suffering the loss of our loving Friend Chopper the week before. It > was our 22nd anniversary & we were out healing our souls walking the > deserts looking for flying rocks. Terri find is to big for my little > meteorite scale I use , so I tried to use our bath scale to weigh it but > the batteries were low . I say 7 to 10 lbs. > > Here is link to one pic on facebook > http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=198849496794955&set=a.100923909920848.2058.100000097188302&theater > > My wife wants to dedicate this Meteorite find to our Loving Bird chopper > Johnson. And I the same with my tiny little piece. We love & miss ya so > much little bird. > For now our hunting location will be kept to ourselves, as we want to > investigate the area better. > Iam burning daylight as I type , So gotta get out there & recover some > more S.R. > > Have a Great day from Scott , Terri & Sundance Johnson > > U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC > Eagles Nest Airpark > Sport Pilot C.F.I WSC-L WSC-S > www.usairborne.com > info at usairborne.com > Office 509-780-0554 > Cell 509-780-8377 > > > ______________________________________________ > Visit the Archives at > http://www.meteoritecentral.com/mailing-list-archives.html > Meteorite-list mailing list > Meteorite-list at meteoritecentral.com > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > Received on Tue 15 Feb 2011 04:01:15 PM PST |
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