[meteorite-list] Valentines day find Terri,s 1st find a big one
From: U.S. Airborne <ontheroad_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2011 10:00:10 -0800 Message-ID: <074B0439763941778A9F611C8C738B92_at_ScottPC> Hi Meteorite Gang. Yesterday was my wife, Terri & I had our 22nd wedding anniversary. 22 years ago we got Married by a Judge in Modesto CA. Then we headed over to Reno to watch a Sammy Davis Jr Show & enjoying life. 22 years later we found ourselves out in AZ hunting Meteorites together on our Valentines day wedding anniversary. Life this last week has been really really hard on both of us as our loving Bird Chopper had just passed away totally unexpectedly. It was a huge loss as Chop, a yellow napped Mecca has been with us for 16 loving years. After burying him on a Mt top in the Desert & building a Rock monument for him. Then we tried to move on with life. So Yesterday we went Meteorite hunting on our 22nd anniversary together. It was a sunny & warm day & it was real good to be out hunting together on this special day. I had hunted the day before up in the foothills & washes with my metal detector and when I was setting up my detector I threw down a nice sized H meteorite to test out my X-Terra and be sure it was all working O.K. Well it did, but like a dummy I left my meteorite on the ground & forgot all about it as I headed out detecting. That night when I returned back to the motor home I realized I was missing my Meteorite throw down. Not only did I not find any thing but I lost one so here I was at a -1 on my finds for the day. I was a bit embarrassed so I did not tell my wife I lost it till the next A.M. The next morning I asked my wife if she would like to join me in relocating my lost Meteorite. She gladly said Yes. I retraced my 4x4 tracks to the exact location about 4 miles out where I tuned my detector at and found my lost meteorite throw down . I felt much better now so we hunted this area for a bit before heading back for lunch. After lunch Terri & I headed out for an afternoon hunt. I was back to 0 finds but better then the -1 I was at this A.M. I pointed to a area not far from our motor home that I wanted to hunt, it was ridges & washes so we went slow in our little 4x4 over a few ridges. Then we stopped & hunted in a probing circle. We traded off with the detector & meteorite cane. After a 1/2 hr in one area we moved over a ridge & was slowly driving our side by side 4x4 hunting as we drove. Just as I said I see other quad tracks. My wife loudly said Oh what a pretty orange rock, so I stopped. She jumped out before I was fully stopped, so by the time I had set the parking brake & shut it off & got out of the buggy she returned with it in here hands. 1st thing she said was it sure is heavy and she handed it to me. I looked at it and my Jaw flew open. I said Wow I think you have a big one. It was heavy , kind of felt like 10 lbs or so. I said where was it and she pointed to the hole, then she said there is a broken piece that is off of it to. She grabbed it & fit the puzzle pieces together. My Jaw was still gaped open I pulled out my loop & threw my cowboy hat onto the ground as it was shadowing the rock from full sunlight. After looking at it I said yes its for sure a space rock. This is when she really realized what she had found & she stared to smile. It was a huge giggly smile, The one I was waiting to see from her when she found her 1st meteorite. We still never took time to put a magnet to it , so we grabbed a magnet & it had a real strong pull, then I grabbed the detector & it also said what we already knew that this was a S.R.. I told Terri she needs to now do all of her own documentation & pictures. We put this large meteorite back into the hole it was found in and laid the smaller broken off piece back where it came from also . Terri took some pics in Situ then with GPS with rock in hole then out of hole. She also did same with broken off smaller piece. After Terri finished up documenting her find we took some fun pics of her holding it & putting the puzzle pieces together. Got great pics of her happy dance also. After pics & celebration I went to finding me a small piece of this guy . I detected the empty hole and found one last little broken piece that completed the main stone and the larger broken corner she had found. One end of it looked like a loaf of bread then it tapered off 45 degrees to the other end and it has some large thumb prints. The larger broken chunk has nice thumb prints also. The only fusion crust that was still black was only about 1 1/2 inches of the top. At one time the larger mass was buried deeper in the soil. Then it was partly uncovered by floods over the years leaving a rusty orange color visible below the black fusion crust. This Orange color is what Terri 1st saw and why she had me stop. I waited for this special day when I could see the Joy in Terri's Eyes when she found that 1st space rock that flew in from the universe just for her. And it was even more exciting and Joyous then I could of ever dreamed it would be. It truly could not have come at a better time in our lives as we were still suffering the loss of our loving Friend Chopper the week before. It was our 22nd anniversary & we were out healing our souls walking the deserts looking for flying rocks. Terri find is to big for my little meteorite scale I use , so I tried to use our bath scale to weigh it but the batteries were low . I say 7 to 10 lbs. Here is link to one pic on facebook http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=198849496794955&set=a.100923909920848.2058.100000097188302&theater My wife wants to dedicate this Meteorite find to our Loving Bird chopper Johnson. And I the same with my tiny little piece. We love & miss ya so much little bird. For now our hunting location will be kept to ourselves, as we want to investigate the area better. Iam burning daylight as I type , So gotta get out there & recover some more S.R. Have a Great day from Scott , Terri & Sundance Johnson U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC Eagles Nest Airpark Sport Pilot C.F.I WSC-L WSC-S www.usairborne.com info at usairborne.com Office 509-780-0554 Cell 509-780-8377 Received on Tue 15 Feb 2011 01:00:10 PM PST |
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