[meteorite-list] The Usselo Horizon, a Worldwide Charcoal-Rich Layer of Alleröd Age, Johán B. "Han" Kloosterman 1999 June, extensive references: Rich Murray 2011.04.09
From: George Howard <george_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2011 22:21:48 -0400 Message-ID: <860976BE-3A1B-4989-8327-802CEBB4DB82_at_restorationsystems.com> Thank Rich! Sent from my iPad George A. Howard President Restoration Systems Direct 919-334-9105 www.restorationsystems.com On Apr 9, 2011, at 6:29 PM, "Rich Murray" <rmforall at gmail.com> wrote: > The Usselo Horizon, a Worldwide Charcoal-Rich Layer of Aller?d Age, > Joh?n B. "Han" Kloosterman 1999 June, extensive references: Rich > Murray 2011.04.09 > http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2011_04_01_archive.htm > Saturday, April 9, 2011 > [at end of each long page, click on Older Posts] > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/astrodeep/message/83 > [you may have to Copy and Paste URLs into your browser] > _______________________________________________ > > > see also: re photo of Usselo Horizon 2011.04.09 > > http://cosmictusk.com/tusk-exclusive-kloosterman-hits-brick-wall-secret-science-brings-shame-to-dutch-journal > > > http://www.catastrophist.org/home/usselo-2002/ > > Symposium ?New Scenarios of Solar System Evolution? > > University of Bergamo, June 1999 > > The Usselo Horizon, a Worldwide Charcoal-Rich Layer of Aller?d Age > > Joh?n B. "Han" Kloosterman > > In 1980 was published the discovery of an iridium anomaly on the K-T > boundary, and in 1991 the discovery of a huge impact crater of the > same age, at Chicxulub on the tip of the Yucatan peninsula. In between > those two dates, in 1985, it was found that that same iridium-rich > boundary-layer contained an abundance of charcoal and soot, all over > the world: the impact caused a wave of superheated air to roll around > the earth, and the forests were incinerated, worldwide. As a direct > result of the K-T discoveries, the idea of a Universal Conflagration > is no longer taboo in academic circles. The first plants to grow again > were ferns, and it must have been a strange sight indeed, to the few > animals that survived the disaster: an abundance of fern growing on a > black substratum. > > A thin layer rich in charcoal also occurs in the Late Pleistocene, the > Alleroed interstadial, with a radiocarbon age of about 11.000 years, > and dendro-dated at about 13.000 years. If the dinosaur extinction has > become symbolic for the K-T massacre, that of the mammoth stands as a > symbol of the end of the Ice Age. The horizon, 5 to 15 cms thick, has > been found in at least ten countries, on four different continents: > \the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Great-Britain, France, Poland, > White Russia, Egypt, South Africa, India and Australia. It was first > found in 1940 in the Netherlands, in a sandpit at Usselo near > Enschede, only a few kilometers from the boundary with Germany, by > Dutch archaeologist Cornelis Hijszeler, custodian and later director > of the Ryks Museum Twente, Enschede. > > The Dutch geologists, a fraternity of dogmatic uniformitarians, felt > uncomfortable and tried to hide the discovery. While Hijszeler > published his results during the 1950?s, an excavation for a car > tunnel was made at Velsen, west of Amsterdam, and the exposed Upper > Pleistocene and Holocene section was studied by a interdisciplinary > team of sedimentologists, palynologists, archaeologists. The Usselo > horizon was found at a depth of 18 meters, significantly by an > overseer. The experts who describe the unconsolidated sediments not > once use the word charcoal. Only one contributor, Havinga, perhaps a > rebellious type, speaks of the Usselo horizon as ?a layer of white > sand with black speckles?. He reports the absence of pollen in that > layer and the presence of Selaginella (mossfern) without realizing the > possible importance of that bit of information. > > The German geologists did pick up Hijszeler?s discovery. They found > that the charcoal-rich layer was synchronous with the huge and unique > explosion of the Laacher See volcano, the ashes of which have been > found from southern Sweden to northern Italy, and they imputed the > gigantic forest fire which, as Hijszeler had found, raged at least > from Ostende to Hamburg, to that volcanic eruption. The same causal > relationship was accepted in Belgium, and later in northern France. > During the 1960?s, the charcoal-rich horizon was also found in > England, but the British scientists never tried to find out what had > happened on the continent during the Alleroed, they remained in > splendid isolation, very much like the Germans, who never showed > curiosity for the geographical extension of the conflagration, perhaps > because of the assumed causal relationship with the Laacher-See > volcanic eruption. > > From the people who knew, or knew about the existence of the Usselo > horizon in northwestern Europe, only very few, perhaps two or three, > heard about its discovery in White Russia, and a few others, perhaps > three or four, about the discovery in Egypt, attributed to the > Alleroed by radiocarbon dating, backed up by palynological, > paleontological and archaeological data. None of them seems to have > thought of the possibility that the fires in northwestern Europe, > White Russia and Egypt could have started on the same day. > > Meanwhile, a charcoal-rich layer dating from the Aller?d was also > found in India, and recently (not yet published) from the Late > Pleistocene in South Africa and in Australia. > > Worldwide charcoal horizons seem to be not very common. Wendy Wolbach, > after the discovery of the K-T boundary charcoal, made a literature > search throughout the geological column, and found none, possibly > because she had to rely on heavily biased literature, written by > uniformitarians. > > So let us assume that that fire raging from England to Paris and > Hamburg and possibly to Minsk, and that fire raging through the Nile > Valley, and the others discovered in South Africa, India and > Australia, and also those that soon will be discovered on other places > now people will start looking for it, are all synchronous. Let us > urgently adopt the working hypothesis that they were synchronous and > had one and the same cause, and let us then see if everything starts > fitting together. The extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna, the > sudden ice melting, the catastrophic floods, the rise in sea-level, > the sudden demise of the Magdalenian culture after an uninterrupted > development of some 30.000 years and the backfall to Mesolithic > primitivism. > > Let us not wait for the uniformitarians to agree, and let us not waste > time trying to convince them. While we are born on a planet spinning > and spiraling through a wildly dynamic universe, the uniformitarians > try to impose upon us a static worldview. > > We are in the middle of a major crisis in the biosphere, which started > about 13.000 years ago, possibly by a cometary impact. Quite possibly > it is the extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna -- mostly herbivores > but also their predators -- which has opened an ecological niche for > one predator that survived -- humankind. The present population > explosion and the continued faunal and floral extinctions occur in the > wake of the universal conflagration of which the Usselo charcoal > horizon bears witness. > > When we start studying these relationships, we?ll have the benefit of > the fact that an older charcoal layer has been found already, on the > K-T boundary, and has been seriously studied during the last few > decades. The past is the key to the present. > > Acknowledgements > > To the following persons I am most grateful for their moral support, > for help in the search for data and references, for material help, or > for their hospitality ? or for all that: > > Walter Alvarez, S?rgio Bernardes and Rosa, Marc de Bie, Diogenes de > Almeida Campos, Victor Clube, Jacques Hinout, Mrs E. Hijszeler, A. de > Go?r de Herve, Peter James and Ruth, Albert Jongmans, Mme A. > Leroi-Gourhan, J. Merkt, E. Paulissen, Klaus Skupin, Alexander > Tollmann, Hugo Cuellar Urizar and Teresa, Bart Vanmontfort, Jean-Paul > Verdun and Denise, Wera-Mirim, Wendy Wolbach. > > References > > General: > > Alvarez W, 1986: Towards a theory of impact crises. Eos Trans. Am. > Geoph. Un. 67/35: 650- 657. > > ________, 1990: Interdisciplinary aspects of research on impacts and > mass extinctions: a personal view. Geol. Soc. Am. Spec. Pap. 247.: > 93-98 > > ________, 1997: T. Rex and the Crater of Doom. Princeton. > > Asher DJ. et al., 1994: Coherent Catastrophism. Vistas in Astron. 38: 1-27. > > Asher DJ, Clube SVM, 1998: Towards a dynamical history of > Proto-Encke.Vol. 69, p.149-170. > > Bj?rck and 10 others, 1996: Synchronized terrestrial-atmospheric > deglacial records around the north Atlantic. Science 274: 1155-1160. > > Broecker W, Ewing H, Heezen B, 1960: Evidence for an abrupt change in > climate close to 11.000 y. ago. Ammer J. Sc. 258: 429-448. > > B?rek PJ., W?nke H, 1981: Impacts and glacio-eustatic, plate-tectonic > episodes, geomagnetic reversals. Phys., Earth Planet. Inter. 50: > 183-194. > > Clube SVM, 1989: Catastrophes and Evolution. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc., > Mason Meetings Oxford. > > Clube SVM, Napier W, 1982: The Cosmic Serpent: a catastrophist view of > Earth History. London. > > Emiliani C. Ager DV, Kloosterman JB, De Grazia A; 1977: An Aller?d > Conflagration ? (a discussion) Catastr. Geol. 2/1: 13-15. > > Fleming RF, Nichols DJ, 1990: The fern spore abundance anomaly at the > K-T boundary. Lecture Notes on Earth Sc. 30: 347-349. Berlin. > > Friedrich M et al., 1999: Paleo-environment and radiocarbon > calibration as derived from Late Glacial/ Early Holocene tree-ring > chronologies. Quatern. Internat. (submitted). > > Hoyle F, 1993: The origin of the Universe and the origin of Religion. > London. 1997: Kosmische Katastrophen und der Ursprung der Religion. > (Nachwort A.Tollmann). Frankfurt a/M. > > Hoyle F, Wickramasinghe, 1978: Comets, Ice Ages, and ecological > catastrophes. Astrophys. Space Sc. 53: 523. > > Kloosterman JB, 1976: Apophoreta-2. Catastr.Geol. 1/2: 57. > > Kloosterman JB (ed.) , 1976: Catastr.Geol 1/1, 1/2; 1977: Catastr.Geol > 2/1, 2/2; 1978: Catastr.Geol. 3/1, 3/2. > > Napier WM, Clube SV, 1979: A theory of terrestrial Catastrophism. > Nature 282: 455-459. > > Spedicato E, 1992: Apollo objects, Atlantis and the Deluge -- a > catastrophist scenario for the end of the last glaciation. Quaderni > 90/22, Univ. Bergamo. > > Nelson J, 1989: Fractility of soot smoke: implications for the > severity of nuclear winter. Nature, June 22: 611-613. > > Melosh HJ et al., 1990: Ignition of Global Wildfires at the K-T > boundary. 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Acta Bot. Neerl. 33/4: 535-546. > > Van Geel B, et al., 1984: The vegetational succession at Usselo, the > Netherlands. Acta Bot. Neerl. 33: 547-557. > > Van Geel B, Coope GR, Van der Hammen T, 1989: Palaeocology and > stratigraphy of the lateglacial type section at Usselo. Rev. Paleont. > Palyn. 60/ 1-2: 25-129. > > GERMANY > > Berg A von, 1994: Aller?dzeitliche Feuerstellen unter dem Bims im > Neuwieder Becken. Archaeol. Korres. Blatt 24: 355-361. > > Bosinski G, 1979: Stratigraphie du Pal?olithique Sup?rieur r?cent et > du Pal?olithique final dans le bassin de Neuwied (vall?e du Rhin > moyen). In: De Sonneville-Bordes D (ed): La fin des temps glaciaires > en Europe. Paris. Vol. 1: 193-201. > > Dubber HJ, 1982: Pal?ob?den im Westf?lischen Tief- u. H?gelland. Geol. > Jb. F14: 226, Hannover. > > D?cker A, Maarleveld GC, 1958: Hoch u. Sp?tglaziale ?olische S?nde in > NW Deuschland u. in den Niederlanden. Geol. Jb. 73: 215-234. 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Wandel der Geo- Biosph?re. > G?ttingen. > > BELGIUM > > De Coninck F, et al., 1966: La superposition de d?p?ts tourbeux datant > des oscillations Aller?d et B?lling ? Stabroek (Belgique). Pedologie > 16: 293-308. > > De Ploey J, 1961: Morfologie en Kwartair stratigraphie van de > Antwerpse Kempen. Act Geogr. Lov. 2: 1-130. > > Haesaerts P, De Heinzelin J, 1979: Le site pal?olithique de > Maisi?res-Canal. Diss. Archaeol. Gandenses 19. Brugge. > > Paepe R, 1968: Les sols fossiles plistoc?nes de la Belgique. Pedologie > 2: 176-188. > > Paulissen E, Munaut AV, 1969: Un horizon blanch?tre d? ?ge B?lling ? > Opgrimbie. Acta Geogr. Lov. 7: 65-91. > > Scheys G, 1955: Bijdrage tot de kennis van de Hagelande bodems. Centr. > Bodemkart. Gent. > > Verheyleweghen J, Gullentops F, 1956: Le Pal?olithique final de > culture p?rigordienne du gisement pr?historique de Lommel. Bull. Soc. > Roy. Belg. Arch. Pr?h. > > GREAT BRITAIN > > Evans JG, 1966: Late-Glacial and post-glacial subaerial deposits at > Pistone, Buckinghamshire. Proc. Geologists? Ass. 77: 347-364. > > ________, 1986: Radiocarbon dates from the Pitstone soil at Pitstone, > Buckinghamshire, In: Gowlett JAJ, Hedges REM (eds): Archaelogical > Results from accelerator dating. Oxf. U; Comm. Arch., Monogr. 11: > 91-93 > . > Kerney MP, 1963: Late-Glacial deposits on the chalk of SE England. > Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London B 246: 203-254. > > _________, et al., 1964 : The Late-Glacial and post-glacial history of > the chalk escarpment near Brook, Kent. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London B > 248: 135-204 > > Preece RC, 1994: Radiocarbon dates from the ?Aller?d soil? in Kent, > Proc. Geologists Ass. 105/2: 111-123. > > ________, Ridgland DR (eds), 1998: Late Quaternary Environmental > Change in NW Europe. London. > > FRANCE (Usselo horizon) > > Vermeersch PM, Munaut AV, Hinout J, 1973: Un sol d?Usselo d? ?ge > Aller?d ? Saponay (Tardenois). Bull. Ass. Fr. Et. Quatern. 1: 47-51. > > FRANCE (Abrupt termination of the Magdalenian Culture) > > Gewelt M, Juvign? E, 1988: T?phrachronologie du tardiglaciaire et de > l?Holoc?ne dans le Cantal, le C?zallier et les Monts d?Or (Massif > Central. France). Bull. Ass. Fr. Et. du Quatern. 88-1 : 25-34. > > Laville H, et al. 1980: Rock shelters of the P?rigord: geological > stratigraphy and archaeological succession. London. > > Vernet G, Rayal JP, 1995: La Tephra des Roches, marqueur du volcanisme > contemporain de la fin du Magdal?nien dans le Massif Central Fran?ais. > CR. Ac Sc Paris, 321/2a: 713-720. > > Vernet G, Rayal JP, 1998: Tephrostratigraphie r?actualis?e du > tardiglaciaire et de l?Holoc?ne en Limagne d?Auvergne. INQUA > Symposium, Brives-Charensac. > > Vernet G, and 6 others, 1990: La retomb?e de la Moutade, marqueur > stratigraphique de l?Aller?d en Limagne septentionale (Massif Central > France). CR. Ac Sc. Paris 310/2: 1077-1082. > > EGYPT > > Hoffman MA, 1979: Egypt before the Pharaos. New York. > > Paulissen E, Vermeersch PM, 1987: Earth, man and climate in the > Egyptian Nile valley during the Pleistocene. In: Prehistory of Nort > Africa. Dallas USA. > > Wendorf F, Said R, Schild R, 1970: Egyptian prehistory: some new > concepts. Science 169: 1161-1171. > > Wendorf F, Schild R, 1976: Prehistory of the Nile valley. Acad. Pr. New York. > > INDIA > > Clark JD, Dreiman R, 1983: An occurrence with small blade technology > in the upper members of the Baghore Formation at the Baghore III > locality. In: Sharma GR, Clark JD (eds): Palaeoenvironment and > Prehistory in the middle Son valley. Allahabad. 197-201. > > Sussman C, et al., 1983: Prelim. Rep. Of excavation at the Mesolithic > occupation site at Baghore II locality. In: Sharma GR (see above): > 161-196. > > Sharma MJ, 1982: The Upper Palaeolithic culture in India. Delhi. > > Additional References > > POLAND > > Schild R, 1979: Chronostratigraphie et environnement du Pal?olithique > final en Pologne. In: D.de Sonneville-Bordes (ed): La Fin des Temps > glaciaires en Europe. Paris. 799-818. > > Manikowska B, 1969: Les sols fossiles des p?riodes interstadiaires du > W?rm sup?rieur (Paudorf, Aller?d) aux environs de Lods. Biul.Periglac. > 18: 411-421. > > Manikowska B, 1991: Vistulian and Holocene aeolian activity, > pedostratigraphy and relief evolution in Central Poland. Zeitschr. > f.Geomorph. NF Suppl.90: 131-141. Stuttgart. > > Konecka-Betley K, 1977: Soils of the dune areas of central Poland in > Late Glacial and Holocene. Folia Quaternaria 49: 47-62. > > Cichosz-Kostecka A, and 4 others, 1991: Late Glacial aeolian Processes > in the light of sediment analysis from Kamion profile near Wyszogrod. > Zeitschr.f.Geomorph. NF Suppl.45-50. Stgrt. > > DENMARK > > Westerby E, 1946: Da Danmarks aeldste Stenalder boplads blev fundet. > Beriingske Aftenavis 22-23 Okt. Reprinted 1986, Aarb.Nord.Oldk.Hist > 43-69, with translation in German. > > Iversen J, 1946: Geologisk Datering af en senglacial Boplads ved > Bromme. Aarb?ger Nord.Oldk. Hist. 198-231. > > Mathiassen T, 1947: En Palaeolitisk Boplads ved Bromme. Aarb?ger f. > Nord.Oldk. og Hist. 121-197. > > Korlowski SK, 1975: Quelques remarques sur le Brommien. Acta Arch 46: > 134-142. Copenhagen. > > Fischer A, 1978: Pa sporet af overgangen mellem palaeoliticum og > mesoliticum i Syd-Skandinavien. Hikuin 4: 27-50. H?jberg. > > > For the presentation at the Bergamo Symposium I had 15 minutes > available, kindly ceded to me (from his own 40 minutes) by professor > Alexander Tollmann of Vienna University. > > I prepared the talk and the bibliography in southern France, where I > didn?t have with me the references from Poland. They are added below. > > During the two years that followed I also found the presence of the > Usselo Horizon in Denmark (the Bromme culture layer), first in the > literature available in Dutch libraries, and then I went to Copenhagen > to do more research. > > The Proceedings of the Bergamo Symposium were published in 2002, and > follow below. > > Postscript 2007 > > In 2001 I became via the Internet aware of the accessibility of the > Clovis Layer exposure at Murray Springs, Arizona. In 2002 I went there > and took samples. One of these was analyzed on the presence of soot by > Wendy Wolbach in Chicago, and gave positive results. However, some > samples of the Usselo Horizon which I took in Schleswig-Holstein > (Germany) did not contain soot, probably because in the unconsolidated > Coversands it has been removed by percolating water. The result was > that by 2003 my research got stuck. > > Then in 2005, new developments were posted on the Net. In North > America some people -- William Topping, Richard Firestone, Allen West > -- had finally also understood that a thin dark layer, dating from the > time when the Pleistocene megafauna disappeared, must have something > to do with that disappearance. And Firestone and West happened to be > full of ideas, and they have what I don?t have: laboratories with > sophisticated hardware for analyzing samples. > > In one Usselo sample that I took at Lommel (Belgium), early in 2006, > an anomalous Iridium content was found, and in 2007 followed the > discovery of nanodiamonds in Usselo samples from Holland, Belgium and > Germany. > _______________________________________________ > > > Dennis Cox uses Mark Boslough, Sandia Lab, meteor air burst > supercomputer simulations to explain geoablation from Mexico to Canada > with many Google Earth images: Rich Murray 2011.04.09 > http://rmforall.blogspot.com/2011_04_01_archive.htm > Saturday, April 9, 2011 > [at end of each long page, click on Older Posts] > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/astrodeep/message/82 > [you may have to Copy and Paste URLs into your browser] > _______________________________________________ > > > Rich Murray, MA > Boston University Graduate School 1967 psychology, > BS MIT 1964, history and physics, > 1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 > 505-501-2298 rmforall at comcast.net > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AstroDeep/messages > > http://RMForAll.blogspot.com new primary archive > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aspartameNM/messages > group with 118 members, 1,620 posts in a public archive > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aspartame/messages > group with 1227 members, 24,302 posts in a public archive > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/rmforall/messages > > participant, Santa Fe Complex www.sfcomplex.org > _______________________________________________ Received on Sat 09 Apr 2011 10:21:48 PM PDT |
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